Monday, July 8, 2024

Save America if Trump Wins Nov. 2024

                The Plan to save American Democracy if Trump and the Republican Oligarchs take over the Government and begin to implement America with the Supreme Courts “no law” for Republicans and their President. {I missed the person’s name who said: “The Supreme Court has Ruled that the Constitution is Unconstitutional” but he hit the nail on the head.}


                Biden will be President for 2 months after the November election.  If he loses I advocate:

                Marshal Law must be ordered and used to remove, arrest, the 5 Republican Justices that ordered the Immunity. It is prima facie destruction of the Constitution done with and for a Group of Conspirators intent on replacing the Constitution with a dictatorship. The President can stop the Bill of Rights we are slaves: no freedom of Speech, Press, Religion, no personal or home security, no ‘due process of law’, no ‘fair trials’, torture for everybody and anybody; If it’s in the President’s wishes and needs while “running the Government”, and “getting Retribution”.

                Trump and his close advisors and the Senate and House Republican Conspirators must be identified and arrested: all under the Smith Act. Put the CRIMINALS in jail: “Lock ‘em up!’.

                A call for a Constitutional Convention must be made and local elections held to appoint members to the Convention. 

                Immunity for the President must be removed from our laws and that can only be done by changing the Constitution by adding self-protection from future ‘’Monarchists” to use Jefferson’s word, or “Dictators” to use Trump’s. The Supreme Court and Federal Judges must thereafter be elected. The Electoral College must be removed.

                I advocate for the People voting directly on the laws. We have 10,000 years of evidence that Representative and Monarchist governments neither work. A government gets corrupt. The people rebel and the Rebels win the fight for control. They set up a government. The government gets corrupted.  The people either live in a comfortable monarchy or Oligarchy – some form of slavery – or they Rebel.  We should stop the madness, accept the fact that power corrupts and don’t give any person or group a chance to enslave us for their Power and Glory. 

                Other advocates with better credentials than mine will work it out. Jefferson, Madison, Franklin, Washington, etc. have left their notes and papers as a base. They got close. We must take, and I mean TAKE, the next steps toward our “More Perfect Union” that will give the Monarchists all the rope they need under freedom by law and then remove them at the ballot box, or by force, as we did King George, and will do against this Republican Take Over, if we fail at the ballot box.

                Print up and send around a few million Constitutions, Federalist Papers, Declarations of Independence, and push movies like ’Judgment at Nuremberg’, etc. 

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