Friday, July 19, 2024

Democrats Abandoning Biden

 The Donald is an unbelievable character: poorly educated, immoral, boisterous, pathological in so many ways. People with uncritical attitudes are looking for a "leader" to lead them to prosperperity, an easy wisdom, someone to blame for the failings of mankind, to quit loosing the fight for love and glory, their definition of the "good life". Trump promises it all and they believe with hope of 'salvation'.

"A King, a King, my horse for a King!" And a fool without logic, science, coherent language, and a vicious lack of sympathy and empathy takes the stage and gets voted into high office and costs so much life and treasure lost that we could bear it no more. A true Politician, the too humble Biden, won over Trump and now "his friends" have turned on Biden as if he was the Judas, and not them. We all die, so far; but our hopes and dreams die first. My Jeffersonian hope of equality before the law and equal opportunity to find a few moments of purpose, affection, and friendship with work and family produced and honored is still just a hope wavering before the ending of my life. Trump has cursed America with irrelevancy and ignorance, cruelty, and hate. All I really know is this no way to Live! I'm sticking with Biden and aching aspirations.

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