Friday, July 12, 2024

Biden should fire his 'Help'

 Trump should be in jail for 4 major crimes. The DOJ has too many Trumpsters inside!

Biden's advisors and friends are working against him, along with the media. He should fire them, and not let them fire Him.
Ignorant Trump has vicious crooked people working for him twisting facts, lying about lying! And destroying Truth and Justice.
The timid Democrats won't support Democracy and won't use Justice to crush these 'Monarchists -Jefferson's word - who want to RULE and not serve. Trump and the band of Nazis will win because of Biden's being "assisted to resign" by "His Help". Biden has to be supported! He literally saved this country in 2020 and now his 'help' is helping the criminal Republicans destroy 250 years of freedom and growth toward a "more perfect Nation".
The Republicans are buying your life, your children's futures. With the Climate change none of us may be here in 50 years.
Stop the stupid and back someone who isn't afraid and knows why he isn't. Biden is 3 times the man Trump has ever been. And the frightened fools 'helping Biden' are burying him! Who needs help like that?
We need to go to the streets, demand abortion rights, demand the Bill of Rights not be subject to "immunity" from the Executive. WE should look the future in the face and fight for freedom, progress, decent economy, equality before the law and equality of opportunity.
Biden is competent and Trump isn't! The Democrats are frightened of Trump and won't 'lock him up!' TRUMP IS STEALING America right in front of us and The Democrats have chosen to help him by attacking Biden. Stupid is as stupid does!!

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