Thursday, July 11, 2024

Some More "Stand by Biden"

 The Democrats have the most successful President in 50 years and won't support him! And I thought the Republicans were stupid for following a lying. cheating would be dictator who is a rapist and insurrectionist and seller of National secrets.

Biden is a winner. He has no recognizable challenger. The Democrats want him replaced and Superman is their guy?! Or some other fictional character. Biden did what he said he would with Trump: "Beat him like a drum." Now, because aging brings more trouble with his speech we will run ME for President. Or maybe YOU. Put away your fright and get ready to fight: for women's right to Abortion, for limits to Presidential power, for a Constitutional convention to start by re-enstating the Bill of Rights Amendments that the Supreme Court has taken from us - no trial by jury, trial by President. No free speech, press, religion, or assembly. Not safe from warrantless searches. No "due process", torture at any time for any person. Immunity is granted for violating something. Here it is Madison's Bill of Rights. The first 10 Amendments. Fight hard, with the truth, with belief, with courage. Biden is a winner, in so many ways, just back the WINNER. It's not hard!

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