Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Indict Trump or Lose America

 Seventh graders know about Lenin's take over of the Russian Government in 1917 and Hitler's take over in Germany in 1933. They started by taking over the legislature. Even fools working for Trump could tell him that. His father followed Hitler's progress. We all lived through Republican Joe McCarthy's horror show charging people with being Communists because they thought Blowing up the world was a stupid idea. Trump advocated the violent overthrow of our government. DOJ has the evidence from the two Impeachment trials and Muller's 10 obstruction of justice charges as well as his Cohen's conviction indictment. Why hasn't the DOJ taken that evidence before a grand jury? Cowards, fools and idiots run our government. Damn them all. They won't win wars and they won't prosecute politicians who are intent on making us sl;aves. Tear down this government with one Amendment. See donate, support, use freedom to save the nation and the children. The politicians are already bought and paid for!!

Monday, July 26, 2021

Steven Weinberg died..

 Steven Weinberg, Nobel laureate in Physics and author of popular science books and top shelf physics Text books died yesterday.

A tireless scientist who said his work gave meaning to his life. I never reached the math level required to share his view of the Universe but I enjoyed trying to read between the equations. Steve Weinberg did well and added to the amassed knowledge of mankind. Not many among us can have that said of them.

Sunday, July 18, 2021

Damn Capitalism and Repreentative Legislature thieves and Scoundrels

 Capitalism has made slaves of workers, home owners, and now students for 10,000 years. The idea was to work together and make common needs paid by taxes and personal needs paid by the individual. Bankers and bought politicians have robbed the people so openly these last 50 years that they have become the codified thieves and scoundrels of the whole world. And the people keep taking it! How DUMB is my valley? going to America doesn't work anymore to get away and get paid. You get away from tyranny and come to the land of thieves with laws supporting the theft. Wonder why people don't trust the Government? Because it makes slaves and beggars of hard working people. Republicans destroyed the Unions, with the help of greed getting into the Unions. We paid for the banks going under in the 1980s, for the housing gong under in the 2000s and now we have to do the same for the "Student loans" that took away the right of bankruptcy. The Government needs corrected. We need people voting for at least all financial laws, really all laws, directly. Actual Democracy. Fire the legislature! They steal way too much. And get paid for doing it!!