Sunday, November 19, 2023

Anti-Semitism, Anti-people, Anti-American

I cannot seriously entertain 'hatred' of a nationality, a people, a group or nation who has common aspirations that I adamantly oppose. Voltaire and Jefferson are in my bones: "I vigorously disagree with everything you say. But I defend to the death your right to say it." But hating anybody is foolish and non-productive. And letting people holler "fire" on the streets is even more dangerous than letting them do so in a theatre. Our morals are gone, our civility is gone, we are bullies with money and power and we are dying as a nation. Back to the jungle seems to be our aspiration.  

Education is shot. The government is where the moneyed stupid go to retire. Wall Street and Hollywood pass out money to control the aspirations of the nation while our schools, government, and churches fail to reach us with any worthy aspiration. We have to grow up or watch the American Experiment die a cowards death.