Monday, June 17, 2024

Curing the Absurdity of Life

 It's not the leaders or the people who are failing. It's the philosophers, psychologists, psychiatrists, scientists, and teachers.

The rich oligarchs have determined they can buy relatively incompetent people to fill the seats of government. And the "get the money" crowd, no matter what, get the money; declare themselves "SMART" and then start removing impediments" to their good life: law, justice, competitors, 'the enemy'. Power corrupts. Ask Caesar, King George, Christ, most of the popes, most of the 'conquers', most of the 'superior' people. Nietzsche said "Whatever lives, obeys" implying we are slaves to our drives, needs, competitions, and civilizations. It drives us. There is no escape but death, currently. It's the only problem and we aren't putting forward any attempted cures, except for disease cures. The Absurdity of life is that we are subservient to it, don't try and fix it, and are sore afraid. Commit to life, love, truth, morality, justice for all, and research on longevity.

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