Monday, June 3, 2024

Trump should be sentenced to Prison: ans NYT aticle 6/3/24

 The case certainly "Should have been been rought". The proof, TRUMP was guilty of hiding the TRUTH of his being a sexual Trick and sexual degenerate from the voters in 2016.

It should not have been tried only if you believe that lying, cheating,. and fixing elections is proper. I don't!! Trump should go to prison. Why? Because he has pardoned killers, tramps, and thieves when he was President!. Because he has no understanding of morals, laws, or earning a living. But, mostly because he wants to be Prfesident to tear down the work put in by Washington, Jefferson, Madison, etc., and Lincoln and Franklin Deleno Roosevelt. If Trump is not improsoned for violating the voting laws and fixing the 2016 election then the prisons serve no purpose. It's self-protection. It's demanded by the fundamentals of every religion known: Do no harm. Trump seeks power to harm America. Remove him from the population he twists, lies to, and whose weaknesses he uses. You will stop our ability to seek a more perfect nation and join the Republican wish to make us a more imperfect, slave nation, owned and controlled by the rich and incompetent people who cannot buy understanding, joy, love, and dignity if you do not LOCK HIM UP.. In short: "LOCK HIM UP" or assist in the destruction of truth, justice, hope, hard work for a better future.
Turn him free and you assist Trump in destroying America, truth, justice, and our longed for 'more perfect Nation'. If we need saved from Trump because we have failed ourselves, then the Judge can defend us from our fault. LOCK TRUMP UP and start on his supporters next. Legally!

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