Friday, June 7, 2024

Republicans are filling up our Prisons with their unqualified Talent

 I think the Republicans should make a plan to quit filling up our prisons with unproven 'wise men', with advisors who advise stealing, lying, cheating to the public. Trump stole the 2016 election. The House and Senate were Republican Majorities. And they failed the economy, lost to Covid with stupid Trump saying everyone can get tested when they couldn't. In 2020 they held a take over of the American government and gave us 3000 more Republican prisoners. Jan 6th left 5 Americans DEAD at the Capital. We will soon quit supporting the Financial Mob to run our country. The totally unqualified tramps and thieves, all in and out of Prison are pathetically incapable of passing a law, of keeping allies, of making a decent economy. This raw inexperienced, poorly educated Ship Of Fools have no place on the Government Payroll! Each of the last 4 Republican Speakers of the House were more inexperienced than his predecessor.

They didn't even know the rules for passing a bill. Rich and still DUMB and CROOKED. Give America a break American Oligarchs stop paying your Puppets for their STUPIDITY. You are filling our Prisons. It's a bad example for our children.

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