Saturday, June 15, 2024

God is not the answer...

 The Republican Party's goal is the rejuvenation of God in the decision making. It is Religion, religion, religion. Those who do not pursue a measurable and growing set of facts describing how the physical world works, but choose to pursue how the psychic, unknowable , world works, and who assert science cannot guide morals and assert only God can assert the truth and morality for the living simply sek to rule us. The question is WHY they choose magic over truth.

I believe, I believe, I believe these people are trying to USE me to support their position of power over me. If we know how to make and use things, like civilizations, cities, nations, governments, Universities, power grids, super markets, TV, radio, cars, trains, planes, rocket ships, that work! each and everyone of them. If we can take our scientific knowledge and engineer a daily food supply, a transportation system, an education system, an economic system, an entertainment and sports system, from science and math and engineering we can do anything. We have not thought of conquering death and we must. There are over 40 institutions for stopping aging and extending human longevity. We need to pull them together, put the best minds together, and extend it. God is not the answer, love is not the answer, LIFE is the answer. We the People refusing God and Oligarchs, Kings and Dictators, from controlling us, using us, as chattel. If governing bodies are not servants of the people they will rule us. Who makes the rules, RULES. They do not Represent!!

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