Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Work for a United Future or Pray for Magic

 When confidence in the good will of law makes us fearful we turn to religion. In an age of closing Church doors and opening Artificial Intelligence companies it seems that lies, fear, and uncertainty are pushing us into seeking 'guidance' from a philosophy dependant on "magic" rather than on truth and trust in scientific research and education.

Prayer is nice and comforting. Level 5 hurricanes and whole Countries on fire require our attention after 50 years of avoiding our responsibilities to the future well being of the entire species and life in general. We leave behind us the fruit of our labor and the fruit of our loins. Do good work and make pretty babies has been the basis of life and progress to physical security, emotional security, and economic security. That and working together. Blame and fear mongering do not solve problems. God has watched over the demise of the fearful self-serving mankind who turns to war and hate for solutions to fear. The only thing to fear is fear itself - and the fear mongers using fear to line their greedy pockets. Pull together, think toward a better future, love and work together, or complain and die together. God helps them who help themselves. The truth shall make you free. Lies will make you lost in a sea of servitude and greed. We get no information back from the land of the unknown. WE get higher temperatures and burning countries from not fighting greed and misuse of power.

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