Saturday, August 10, 2024

Curry in the Olympic Finals

 I've followed Basketball since Bill Russell came home with a gold medal in 1958. Then I followed Russell's career. One of, if not the, greatest of them all: Curry's 4 in a row three point shots at the end of today's championship game was simply the unchallenged champion effort I've ever seen. I'll find the games ending in a copyable form and save it. Words cannot add or subtract from my total emotional response to Curry's under pressure accomplishment, that I, and many, many, sports affectionados have been fortunate to see today: 4 consecutive 3s under defensive pressure, and olympic status. Hats off to all the U.S. players;and, a grateful thanks to Curry for 'exceeding' the very high expectations I had for him, and hoped for him, and the team.

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