Saturday, August 10, 2024

More Trump and Court Criticism

 Donald's 86 IQ is failing him. He forgot he had been president and did not fix immigration, did not balance the budget, did not take science's advice during the covid pandemic: don't wear masks, don't stay home, put antiseptics in your blood stream, take any of these three pills I've been paid to tout for distribution, 1.1 million Americans died. All his friends and associates are in jail, and he will soon be joining them.

His Supreme religious bribe takers made slaves of women and tore up the Bill of Rights, for Trump! The only thing I can say about them is, "Lock the traitor bible thumper Bribe taking Jusices up." Just after Trump looses and gets sent to prison, where they all belong. And my non-existent God is superior to their non-existent God. And my immorality is superior to their immorality!

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