Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Trump should be saying the President can do anything criminal - Biden might shoot him in his orange head..

 Trump should do what he never does: rethink his position. He claims the President has total immunity and can do anything.  He's saying Biden can walk up to him, on television, and kill Trump, with impunity.  I would love it!

And, of course, right now, Biden can send a murder squad, have them kill Trump, and pardon them.  Really not such a bad idea Donald Trump.

You say Joe should pardon the Jan 6 traitors.  Why didn't you? Follow your own logic Donald. Biden should have you, and all the House Republicans that signed the amicus brief to the Supreme Court taken out and shot on television. Then pardon the killers.  

Trump claims the legal actions, the 91 indictments is a "Political" ploy.  But Biden can have you murdered and free the murders if he wanted you out of the way. You know, like you freed the soldiers who murdered people.  Seems fair to me.  We should put signs up: I'll murder Trump for the pardon.  BY Trump's logic Biden could do it himself and then pardon himself.  

So Donald, until you become the President and shot down 4 other Presidents have, I wouldn't tell the Public The President can do whatever he wants to do.  Break your legs,blind you, take all your money. You get my point, Trump? You've put a target on your big orange head.  Best thing you can do is plea guilty, ask to go to Guantanamo.

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