Saturday, January 6, 2024

Time to Get Mad, Time to Stand Up for Truth and Justice, Time to Rember that we won the Revolution and the Civil war over haters of liberty, justice, and truth.

When you have to tell a despicable person they are despicable and they get to turn it around on you for being unkind to poor stupid vicious despicable people you have no chance of rational intercourse. 

The Republicans are determined to break the democracy and rule us by fear and force. It's easy to see. They back being superior to the citizenry. They said, in full glory to the World, twice, Trump was innocent of crimes we saw him commit, and they saw him commit. The Republicans are criminal, insurrectionists, backed by big money from the American Oligarchs who believe we are all for sale.

Vote for control over your own morality, your God, or none, Your own values and hope for the future of the country. Vote against the despicable criminal rotten dog Republicans and don 't be afraid to call them that.  It's what they are.  Get down on the street corners and bars and don't walk away from a Trumpster pushing stupid words and lies. Tell him , or her, they are wrong. Trumps put 700 or more people into federal prison on Jan 6 invasion of Congress. Tell his supporters he'll lead all his supporters there. Speak up for women's rights, civil rights, worker's right, American's rights. Don't get pushed around, verbally or physically. You don't only count, you are responsible to make yourself count.

Get mad. Get ready for the fight, unfortunately, of our countries life. And remember, we slaughtered these 'superior haters of justice and equality' in the last civil war.


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