Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The Senate failures to the Supreme Court

The Supreme Court of the United States is the workplace of two known sex offenders: Kavanaugh and Thomas. The Senate of the United States is one of the most immoral institutions anywhere in history. It put it's imprimatur on these men: it voted for them to decide "what the law is". Many men are in the prisons of this nation who have no faith in the decisions of this Court. Men who are suspect morally, and legally, have put those men in prisons by way of their interpretations of "the law". Justice does not appear to flow from those hallowed halls any more. It appears to be a debate society with biased and obviously flawed debaters. The respect the institution once commanded has turned to contempt. We are in a deeper problem than the late 30;s and 40's when the philosophy of the dissenters of opinions were seen to be correct. Today, the dissenters are seen as co-conspirators staying and working under corrupt conditions. We may well need to heed Jefferson and elect the judges.

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