Sunday, March 17, 2019

Reply to NY Times Arpaio is a sadist article

Sadism is the result of ignorance and smallness of humanity. None-the-less, people who know they, or "their kind", are superior to "the other" people, justify their sadistic attitudes by dehumanising the "inferiors". Arpaio, Trump, Mcconnell, most Republicans, start from that position. The result is that they choose to "Rule the others" and not to serve the people. It is the story of Jefferson against his fellow founders: they believed "man is not wise enough to govern themselves" and have the landowners, slave owners, and well educated make the laws and "govern ( or rule)" the people. Jefferson said, "If man is not wise enough to govern himself, he should govern others?" Representative lawmaking has failed democracy. We must fire our Representatives and vote directly on the laws ourselves, directly on the Executive officers, and directly on the Judicial officers. Our government must be "our" government and officers of the government must be responsible to the people: see, join up and support it. Freedom is the freedom to decide one's own fate.

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