Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Mueller Must Indict Trump

Since the only outcome is claimed to be impeachment and not indictment, Mueller's work is irrelevant, legally.

The Democrats are as afraid of impeaching Trump as the Democrats were of indicting Bush in 2009.

Consequently, America has given up, totally, the Rule of Law.

Our Presidents are now proven to be above the law, beyond the reach of Justice: Impeachment is a 'political' action and if the politicians protect the President so they can keep trying to win elections and the Justice Department has handcuffed itself from indicting the President, The President is above the law.

My advise to remedy this quandary is for the Justice Department to change their rule against indictment and say that a President must be indicted if there is evidence to support an indictment against the President then he must be indicted, and there will be no discretion in deciding to indict.

Mueller must indict Trump and get the Supreme Court to support his action.

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