Sunday, May 19, 2024

Answer to 'Socrates and Plato need studied'; NYT 5/19/24

 Socrates, and especially Plato, adhered to the belief that there are 'special' people, wise people, who should run the government. 'Only when the kings are philosophers, will society, and its government, be correct. But there is no way of determining who is wise, unless he has a gun in his hand or several people behind him with the gun. Vote! Only by listening to the goals of a canditate, and finding his intentions superior to his opponents will you chose who you believe should be the Executive officer. And only the people, by majority vote can conclude their choosing of the Executive. They, We, should also vote for the Judicial officers. And, finally, there should not be a leislature, the people should vote directly for the laws under which they live. Representatives take the offered bribes. And Judges take the offered bribes. When will mankind grow up and take the time and energy to participate in making law, enforcing the laws, and interpretering the laws they make.

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