Saturday, September 19, 2020

Ginsburg, another "Great Dissenter"...

The Great Dissenters of the 30s and 40s, Black and Douglas, saw their descents become the law in the 50s and 60s. And I watched the progress of equal rights, equal opportunity, get applied to the black community, the women, immigrants, sports, humanity. But always fighting the conservative philosophy of "superior people" with money and power. The Supreme Court has caused so much division in this nation by supporting the rich and powerful while denigrating the common man, the citizens of this nation. Jefferson's idea, evolved from and through humanity's history, that "all men are created equal" where "men" stands for "each member of mankind" is created equal, has been denigrated by Supreme Court decisions throughout our history. The great dissenters of each generation have fought hard against our prejudice, our fear, our ignorance and our acceptance of the status quo, generation after generation. We need to change our government into an Actual Democracy: people voting for laws, executive officers, and judges, without "representatives" making the laws we live under, electoral college choosing our Executive officers, and the Executive choosing the judges. We will be free when we free our institutions of prejudice against any and all classes that "compete" for the power of the common purse and common law making. We, the common people, should choose our laws, our executives who execute the laws, and the Judges who interpret the laws. See  

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