Saturday, April 14, 2018

Response to a NY Times essay about "baby boomers".

Nihilism, by any other name is surrender to giving up the life we have, giving up pursuing happiness, loafing until death do us part.  Bull crap. There is work to be done. There is immortality, or at least very long life to pursue.  There are 40 institutes of aging and/or longevity on earth and they're doing serious , and good, work toward that end.  And there is freedom, justice, and equality to pursue, in contradiction to those who would steal our labor, money, and freedom for their personal aggrandizement, their retirement,  and their lack of faith or hope in forming a more perfect union, or more perfect societies.  There's man's work to do and not sit around and whine that my time has come or is coming.  Work to overcome the fear of the second law by remembering that you can put more energy into a system and keep it going, make it more perfect, more efficient. There's science to do, life to live, children and grand children to educate.  There are problems that many of us are trained to see, if not to overcome.  Take your nihilism and loaf with you soul. I seek work and adventure and longer days. Man and society  may not be perfectable but they are capable of more and more perfection toward some arbitrary asymptote of perfection. Do not go gently into that good night.

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