Monday, July 10, 2017

New york Times gives smoking gun of Treason to the Country

Treason! Pure and simple. Conspiracy to aid Russia interfere with the internal processes of the American Democracy. They did it, they denied it, and they are guilty of it. The whole 2016 election must be found null-and-void and a new election held, from the beginning, for all Federal offices filled in November 2016. See NYT article out tonight.

Trump needs to be impeached before he Pardons anybody. And Congress must take the pardon power from him. If he's smart he will pardon himself and everyone in his campaign, tonight. It won't hold up, but he can try. Everyone in the White House should resign and hope they get caught up in being charged with the treason they either committed or supported.

All Republicans should lock their doors and not answer the phone or emails. They have supported this traitor and should be punished for having done so. The Democrats should speak softly, be judicious and sympathetic in pursuit of all the traitors. But be sure to get them all. I believe Ryan and McConnell may well have known. Bjut the election should clear the air, get young minds and bodies into the House and Senate, and get us on our way to an Actual Democracy. see

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