No, we don't have the Supreme Court we deserve. But we do have the worst Supreme Court Money can buy. All things political are bought and sold today. The American Oligarchs are just not qualified to pick decent people to support the oligarchs stupid hopes of all the money and no taxes on all the money. The Supreme Court may well use Dred Scott as precedent for States Right to keep abortion if they want, like they permitted states to keep slavery if they wanted, It really is the Same Thing! Slavery by Court Fiat. Only the states get the blame and the Court lives, in infamy, forever.
Thursday, December 30, 2021
Sunday, December 19, 2021
Answer to NYT column "Should Politics Save Christianity?"
If God can't save Christianity we should not even try!
The Churches are emptying for many reasons:
Logic: Can God make a sinner He can't save? This implies Omnipotence is impossible. (Either answer, yes or no, proves He can't do something!)
Morals: It looks like the 'all male' Church leaders have been caught up in a twisted humanity and molesting our children for 2000 years!! And we don't want any more of it.
Science: The Truth just doesn't support the hope of Eternity and the beatific vision and the solidarity of Religion. Religion, Christianity, is no longer "worthy" of the trust and support from humanity.
Tuesday, December 7, 2021
Dictatorial Supreme Court will destroy Freedom and establish a Religion
This Supreme Court will stop legal abortion. It will do so to solidify the Evangelical vote for the Republicans and undermine our freedom of religion. There is no medical reason, logical reason, or social reason to ban abortions. America hasn't been harmed by abortion, except to the extent that the Children of God have killed Doctors and harmed women trying to keep a life on the edge of survival and edge of social acceptance, viable. So the only reason left for the Supreme Court of Fools to ban abortion is political and based on the religious vote. This is wrong. Religion should be separate from government, just ask the Moslems. The court is not overriding Roe-v- Wade they are affirming Dred Scott: The States will be made free to force a particular religious attitude into law and into the lives of people with different Religious opinions, or none at all. The Dred Scott decision gave us the Civil War and 3 Amendments to the Constitution. A dictatorial Supreme Court is the end of democracy just as surely as anything can be. Pity... I liked growing up more free than my children and your children did and are. I regret the dying of the light of freedom, seeing women dying in the back allies again, as in the 1950s and 60s. Because someone's idea of God has condemned them to not have health care. The Court will never again have any legal force, just dictatorial political force. Just destructive force.
Tuesday, November 23, 2021
Response to NYT Column asking what we might have learned from the pandemic
We might learn that pathological liars are poor Presidents. That more people die when Government lies to the people. When money is more important than people the people will suffer more than than they normally do. That Government Scientists worry about their jobs, too. That people with jobs looking into the potential future disasters should not be fired before the disasters happen. That American politicians don't know the history of the Country or the World: Trump crossed the Rubicon, like Caesar did, but didn't have the best army in the world behind him; just a minor oversight. Historically, USA is only nation who celebrated the defeated Army in a civil war and put up statutes of the traitors. Next time we should not let the loosers have the power to make heros of the traitors. Oh, when the President has been impeached twice but kept in office the evidence against him that his party members disregarded should be taken to a grand jury the day after the President leaves office. Just my off hand reactions to the question.
Friday, October 22, 2021
Fight the POWER Grab
I fear the frightened, the weak who think they are strong, and led who think they are leaders. This 'steal, lie, cheat and destroy Democracy, for the good of the people, is oldest Oligarchic ploy in history. You convince the weak and ignorant they are strong and smart, telling them you are strong and smart. The Republicans have no philosophy or policy for growth, saving mankind from itself, or making any progress except crushing anyone who doesn't follow their Power and money GRAB. We must fight! Trump told the Jan. 6th fools, "If you don't fight like hell you will lose your country." He was talking to US, the American democrats (small d) who know all power junkies are dangerous, clannish, foolish, lost, negative, fools, I fear the Republican Plan to take power and "crush the enemy" and the people of America are the ENEMY. Beat them at the poles or lose your Country.
Saturday, October 16, 2021
Answer to a question oabout "Spirituality" from only neurons, in Quora
Spirituality comes from neurons that evolved to make judgements on how to keep you alive, at least until reproductive age. Consequently, many neural nets have gotten great potential to see the world simply and fairly accurately. But imagination is in there. Fear is in there, causal relationships are in there. Social actions and the potential for love and hate, confidence and insecurity, truth and falsehood. There are libraries full of writings on Gods and Goddesses, angles, and devils. There is not one shred of physical information flowing from these claimed creatures. Some movie had a decent character say they are imaginary playmates for adults. Religion and spirituality answered the questions that couldn’t be answered in their day: How did we get here. God made us and loves us and gave us guidance in these books we’ve read together to “explain these answers”. They simply have only opinion and hope and some means of getting money and power for the managers of the beliefs and believers. And it has worked. My personal conclusion is that God is the human personification of Evolution, it explains how we got here so we can go on with acquiring food, clothing, shelter, lovers, friends, and work. I also have taken on the habit of claiming God can’t be omnipotent because it is impossible: Can God make a brick so big He can’t pick it up? Can God make a sinner that he can’t save, or a saint He can’t corrupt? There is no truth support for Religion and spirituality. So the Church doors are closing all over the world. And the Churches that maintained celibacy for it’s Priests have had children sexually abused, raped and damaged, for 10,000 years. But, they were holy men, so they got away with it. I prefer atheism, science, David Hume, Bertrand Russell, Richard Dawkins, world literature and the rule of law without ghosts and goblins making the laws.
Saturday, October 9, 2021
Response to Jay Caspian Kang nytimes article: The Myth of Asian American Identity
This very honest and open 'letter to your daughter', and those other people, touched many commonalities in the life of all ; I have seen children of shapes and colors playing, laughing, and holding hands. I have teenagers 'gang up' and temper their inherent insecurities with friends with common, or near common, reasons that support their insecurities. It starts with not knowing the reason for life or the purpose of life. My purpose may well have been to be a second generation Italian Immigrant, which is how my father initially saw me. Or I could have been a middle class American living right after the 2nd world war meant to do equations, afraid of girls, mediocre at sports, too short, and afraid of being afraid. I made many mistakes, cheated myself by living a non-standard life but saw that the children who hold hands and play together only stopped because those more insecure than normal picked on the kids. Bullied them. generation after generation. Bertrand Russell documents this in his autobiography. When running a school in England with his wife, he found the boys in the upper classes bulling, physically, younger boys. He got one of the boys and asked him why they did it. The answer was, "The bigs beat us up when we came up. Its fair we beat up the littles behind us. The raw uneducated of the land get over their inferiority by bulling the physical weaker. Then the financially weaker. Or just 'the weak'. Stop the insecure grown up bullies, of all types. Human is good.
My 3 grand children are of American (German-Italian Russian) and Japanese ancestries. The problems mankind has with life and educating the young is our horrible human natures. Man's inhumanities to man come from one primary cause: "Someone must be the cause of my insecurity, death, and division and I must do something about it. At least show that I am strong and unafraid. I can bully the world and all its people and prove I am strong and unafraid." Even though it is not true. Doesn't matter if you win the fight, whatever ring you choose to fight in. "kill the enemy" gets moreplay than "love the enemy".
Republicans Next President will end Democracy.
Trump is a despicable fool and pathologic liar. His lack of intelligence and foolish belief that he could "con the world" cost 400,000 un-needed deaths to covid-19. He violated every law against foreign interference in American election laws. There was nothing that he did that was good because no good has come from any of his policies, only death and degradation of life and law. If he had an iota of sense his idiot followers, "the raw uneducated of the land", would have been able to do what Lenin's and Hitler's followers did, takeover the legislature by force. The added failure in courage, along with the lack of any knowledge, saved our cowardly country from the violent take over Trump advocated: "You must fight like hell or you won't have a country." (Violates Smith Act of 1940.) The press was more cowardly than the DOJ and gave Trump freedom to undermine all of America legal institutions. Biden still is frightened to indict and convict Trump. Just another Sheep in sheep's clothing. The next Oligarch Picked Republican President will take over the country, and destroy democracy. And the press will document how it all happened, good journalists that they are. We are no longer worthy of governing ourselves, if we ever were.
Wednesday, July 28, 2021
Indict Trump or Lose America
Seventh graders know about Lenin's take over of the Russian Government in 1917 and Hitler's take over in Germany in 1933. They started by taking over the legislature. Even fools working for Trump could tell him that. His father followed Hitler's progress. We all lived through Republican Joe McCarthy's horror show charging people with being Communists because they thought Blowing up the world was a stupid idea. Trump advocated the violent overthrow of our government. DOJ has the evidence from the two Impeachment trials and Muller's 10 obstruction of justice charges as well as his Cohen's conviction indictment. Why hasn't the DOJ taken that evidence before a grand jury? Cowards, fools and idiots run our government. Damn them all. They won't win wars and they won't prosecute politicians who are intent on making us sl;aves. Tear down this government with one Amendment. See donate, support, use freedom to save the nation and the children. The politicians are already bought and paid for!!
Monday, July 26, 2021
Steven Weinberg died..
Steven Weinberg, Nobel laureate in Physics and author of popular science books and top shelf physics Text books died yesterday.
Sunday, July 18, 2021
Damn Capitalism and Repreentative Legislature thieves and Scoundrels
Capitalism has made slaves of workers, home owners, and now students for 10,000 years. The idea was to work together and make common needs paid by taxes and personal needs paid by the individual. Bankers and bought politicians have robbed the people so openly these last 50 years that they have become the codified thieves and scoundrels of the whole world. And the people keep taking it! How DUMB is my valley? going to America doesn't work anymore to get away and get paid. You get away from tyranny and come to the land of thieves with laws supporting the theft. Wonder why people don't trust the Government? Because it makes slaves and beggars of hard working people. Republicans destroyed the Unions, with the help of greed getting into the Unions. We paid for the banks going under in the 1980s, for the housing gong under in the 2000s and now we have to do the same for the "Student loans" that took away the right of bankruptcy. The Government needs corrected. We need people voting for at least all financial laws, really all laws, directly. Actual Democracy. Fire the legislature! They steal way too much. And get paid for doing it!!
Sunday, June 20, 2021
Je Accuse! The CDC failed almost as much as the Government
Of course Science failed us nearly as much as the Republicans and Trump. If they had tested and quarantined early and fast hundreds of thousands of people would probably have been saved. Their hubris in not accepting the World Health Organization's offer of a Covid-19 test in favor of their own CDC test was a gigantic failure. If you recall, their test failed and was unreliable. They took two weeks to admit their test failed and they had forced the entire health community, all the major Universities and commercial labs to not use the tests they were developing. And the county and state health services were not permitted to use their own tests but were ordered to "send their samples for testing into CDC. " Their tests failed. No one was traced and quarantined. They watched Asian nations stop the spread rapidly because they had good tests and firm commitment to their people along with decent health systems. Then Trump lied, and lied, and the people of America died and died, and the CDC would not oppose the "Government" ignoring their responsibility to the People! The Republican philosophy that money is more valuable than people took precedent over the Hippocratic oath, scientific honesty, and the precedence for truth. Science failed almost as much as the Republicans. And whoever showed courage and spoke up wasn't supported by their "superiors". That failure cost hundreds of thousands of unnecessary deaths. je accuse! We all should accuse and repair our wounded Nation.
Tuesday, June 15, 2021
Manchin is Wrong
Joe Manchin is wrong. Joe has been persuaded by McConnel that you must protect the minority. McConnell has used the "twisted reality" that gives the minority 3 to 2 power over the majority in a system designed to be 1 for 1, even, fair, democratic. For a Senator to differ with his party is fine, even expected. But for a Democrat to defend the Republican minority claim to have power over each and every bill in Congress, except the exceptions the Republicans have mostly defined, by a 3 to 2 margin is wrong headed, against logic, against the truth, and against " one man one vote." Manchin has jumped on the "destroy Democracy" so Republicans can win for the Oligarchs" band wagon. He is wrong. He is foolish. He is killing Democracy for Moscow Mitch, Putin, Trump, and the Republican party that is making law that they control election results in their States. Welcome to the Oligarchy of the United States, Joe Manchin. Built on your misguided understanding of McConnel and Republicans, unless of course they just bought you. Then I hope you got a few generations worth of money, because the people of West Virginia, and America, will never back you again.
Monday, June 14, 2021
Oligarchs Tell Their Congressional Flunkies They aren't trying to stop Democracy, But They Are!
When they had full power we got no infrastructure. Why? GOP too greedy.
Sunday, June 13, 2021
DOJ Covering up Corruption of DOJ
Is the reason the DOJ isn't indicting Trump for the crimes he was impeached for committing because the DOJ will be exposed for violating its "Chinese Wall" and its failure to keep the power of prosecution, intimidation, and accusation within the walls of the DOJ but let Trump put fear and hate and job security anguish in them, and had them do illegal things?
Tuesday, June 1, 2021
When your organization, like a political party, specifically the Republican Political Party in the United States advocates that its members are superior to non-members, that they represent the majority superior race in the nation, that their members must be protected from the inferior minority races of the Country and the Republican party will protect its members and guard members against the actions of the inferior minorities, then the Republican Party will do everything in its power to keep and increase its power by spreading hate, lies, and joining in physical and social attacks against the minorities and other persons who disagree with them. They have lost a lot of support and are now ready to remove democratic processes in America, such as majority votes win in elections: only the Republican Party is permitted to win elections, in their view, for the good of the Country, and the good of the superior people in the superior party. And they will spend all the money needed, fight and war against all who oppose their imposing ONE PARTY RULE on America. Be careful out there. Don't fall into hating them. Just oppose one party rule, one party "morality", one party Religion, One party destruction of America.
Sunday, May 30, 2021
"The Cities are Unsafe..."
Sure the cities are "unsafe". Why aren't Tokyo, Singapore, Taipei, etc.? And it's not a race or money issue, it's a human issue. I know we need police but I also know that a fairly large percentage of our police don't believe 'all men are created equal'. I've heard many officers of the police say our black citizens are 'animals'. They are dehumanized, negated as citizens as well as people. Our police aren't taught "No person shall... be denied life, liberty, or property without due process of law.." NO PERSON starts the Fifth Amendment and the Fourteenth has the same language. Due process Comes from a Court, not from the end of a gun. It was Mao who said "Power comes from the end of a gun", not Adams, Jefferson, and Madison. They believed power came from a voting booth. The Republicans have devolved to 1918 Russia and 1933 Germany: throw out democracy, put in a dictator, an get 150 million dead again, so you be comfortable selling guns and tanks and aircraft carriers. The Republicans attacked democracy on 1/6/2021 & did it again this week ''stopping" a bi-partisan investigation with 35 Senators against the investigation and 56 voting for it. That's right, the minority of 21 won the vote! We desperately need to remove the Representative Republic and replace it with an "Actual Democracy": the people vote on the laws, for the Executive Officers, & for Judges, all responsible to the votes of the people. see Stronger & brighter than Trump are coming.
Wednesday, May 26, 2021
How Putin, Trump, and Republicans are trying to Fix American Problems we don't Have.
To me it looks like the Democrats are putting their shyness, ignorance, and cowardness right out front in pursuing legal claims against Trump. The DOJ is not bringing their evidence of Trump's obstruction of justice, of Trump's advocating the violent overthrow of the U.S. Government, of Trumps doing Putin's bidding in undermining Democracy following Russia's and China's modus operandi of undermining democracy by positing "elitists", "billionaires", "CEO's" , as haters of the poor and down trodden and making sure the poor and downtrodden hear the message, everyday. They browbeat the foolish rightwing media outlets into advocating hate and resentment against the successful and wealthy, and the successful and wealthy into hating the poor and downtrodden. Democracy can't work in and among the raw uneducated parents of the nation. parents who believe they, and their children, are being cheated by the government and the "elitists" and rich, and, really, may well be. Consequently there is only one way o fix this "inequality", do away with elected representatives and get some dictator, king, or setof rich oligarchs, just like Russia has. Imagine, there is a working cure to the fake problems that Putin discovered existed in other countries. How fortunate we will be to have an example, Russia, of what kind of government we should have. Trump was right to kiss Putin's - ring. Russian Government, a solid dictatorship, is just how we can fix America. Thank Putin, Trump & Republicans.
Wednesday, May 19, 2021
Argument for Actual Democracy...Again.
Even the raw uneducated citizens of the land deserve Representation. So they elect raw uneducated Representatives. They go with 'feelings' like Trump said, he makes decisions 'by his gut'. Simply put dumb people want dumb representatives to represent their never thought out positions and needs and how the government can help them. Today's "gossip machines", like Twitter and Facebook, bring them propaganda of total impossibilities and teach them to not only want dumb Representatives (see Trump), but that they should stop picking their Representatives ever 2 to 4 to 6 years and pick them for life, or leave the picking to the "party Leaders". In other words, do away with democracy and go back to Aristocracy, Monarchy, Dictatorship, whatever you want to call 'no representation' and no say about the laws, the Executive Officers, or the Judges. The solution, well known for 10,000 years and never, ever, implemented, is 'Actual Democracy", where the people vote directly on the laws themselves, no Representatives to be bribed; vote directly on the Executive Officers, no Electoral College; and directly for the Judges; no appointment by the Executive to a lifetime job and no accountability to anyone. Jefferson told Madison the Judges didn't even look like members of the same Country. See put up back in 2014. And help them...
Monday, May 3, 2021
Predictions of Biden's Coming Failure, questioned.
So Biden must fail, by your account, after all the other nations had people and process that failed. You're simply a purveyor of gloom and doom without any U.S. evidence because nobody has dared try and organize the tax dollars to be spent on the people who paid those tax dollars. Other good columnists are saying Biden will go down in history. Only problem is they all do. But few people know Biden's intentions. But he's been saying them for years. He's certainly not a communist or socialist or a conscious left winger. But he is fervently against the American Oligarchy of bought and paid for Republicans working against the people and for the rich and powerful. You've seen Biden and heard Biden over the years. He simply stands for and with a better life for the average ranger. something you 'special people' believe is your right by birth and maybe education. You keep knocking people trying to help us all and your writing, as others has, may not meet the requirements that progress wants and needs. Perhaps its time to revisit your philosophy of " Man is not wise enough to govern himself" and watch him govern himself.
Sunday, May 2, 2021
Reply to NY Times Article where Senator Linsey Graham said, in effect," Our Instructions are not Racist"
For 80 years the Slaves only counted for 3/5 ths of a person for purposes of our census. See the Constitution. So seems that demonstrates that at least until the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments followed the loosing Souths philosophy from the protection of the Constitution, that a way back to Jefferson's first draft of the Declaration of Independence could be found. That's the one where the currently belittled slave owner put a line or two about freeing slaves in the Constitution which was taken out of the final draft so Georgia and North Carolina would sign the Declaration. so, 600,000 whites lost their lives freeing the slaves in an act of saving our Union, Amending the Constitution, and Freeing the Slaves from the institution of slavery. That left the job of getting free and forced education to the white population and an extra 30 years for the black population to be set up in a "separate but equal" position that left the vast majority of African Americans in separate but unequal schools until 1954 when the future Justice Marshal won the Brown vs Board of Education Decision before the Supreme Court. A decision not fully enforced to this day. By Constitutional mandate black lives counted only 60% of white lives from 1788 until 1867 or '68. Then by law Black lives were not entitled to the same education as Whites. The 5th and 14th Amendments "No person... may be denied life, liberty, or property without due process of law." Gunned down in the street is not "DUE PROCESS"
Thursday, April 29, 2021
Respose to Biden's Speech - 4/28/21
On Democracy:
Biden: "Can our democracy
overcome the lies, anger, hate, and fears that have pulled us apart?
America’s adversaries –- the autocrats of the world –- are betting we
can’t. And I promise you, they’re betting we can’t. They believe
we’re too full of anger and division and rage.
They look at the images of the mob that assaulted the Capitol as proof that the
sun is setting on American democracy. But they are wrong. You know
it; I know it. But we have to prove them wrong.
We have to prove democracy still works — that our government still works and we
can deliver for our people.
In our first 100 days together, we have acted to restore the people’s faith in
democracy to deliver. We’re vaccinating the nation. We’re creating
hundreds of thousands of new jobs. We’re delivering real results to
people; they can see it and feel it in their own lives."
Biden sees the autocracy, monarchy, oligarchy pull, of the current Republican Party as well as in the failed Russian and other Soviet nations, as well as the currently successful Chinese Communist government.
It comes to the old line of Kings, Popes, dictators, and many philosophers, starting with Plato, "Man is not wise enough to govern himself."
To which Jefferson answered, "Then he should govern others?"
In 1960 I took a high school class named "Problems in Democracy". From which I concluded that he major problem with democracy was being confused with an economic system, as opposed to a political system. I've not changed my mind since then. And I also saw that has never been a "Democracy". B.C Athens of Pericles wasn't because slaves and non-land owners didn't vote. Representative governments, few and far between in history, have all failed; and never had the people voting on the laws. And certainly did not broadcast that 90% of the laws passed were based on monetary issues: get the tax money, spend the tax money how you want to. Which generally meant great swaths of corruption and repression over "the people".
Before we fight the autocrats, philosophically and financially, we should not only support Democracy, we should be a Democracy. A democracy is where the people vote directly on the laws, vote directly for their chief Executive officers, vote directly for their Judges. We should start working on this, now. See Contribute, help, work for justice for all, equality for all, freedom for all; you know, for Democracy!
Wednesday, April 21, 2021
Trump still incompetent...
How stupid are the Republicans? Trump has one over-riding policy: make the inept and unqualified Trump the King of America, the Putin of America. Trump has neither the political skill to convince the country it should give up democracy and he doesn't have the courage to try and use force. As I said, he's unqualified. Lenin and Hitler sent armed men into heir legislatures 100 years ago. Trump sent 'bear spray' incompetents into our legislature. Fool. Democracy is pretty well ensconced in the US. I know they've taken it out of the schools and out of the Senate. But the people see. They don't want to be ruled, especially by someone who made 560,000 deaths happen when a little sense could have led to only the 60,000. The republicans have been chosen by our Republican Oligarchs. And they've only picked incompetent little failed lawyers. They can't even get decent flunkies to put into office. Biden is going to crush the lack of sensible plans in the Republican Party. And rightfully so. We must make America an Actual Democracy: see
Tuesday, April 6, 2021
Corporations standing against the State's Voter Suppression Laws
Big Business has not suddenly lost sight of 'self-interest' and Capitalism. They simply don't want to be governed by an autocratic, centralized, vote and voter controlling Republican, or any other autocratic government, fascist, communist, Nazi, or monarchist, just like Jefferson and Madison didn't want it. They don't want stupid incompetent liars to be able to set their prices, determine who they can hire, tax them in arbitrary ways, and take away their independence. The Corporations control the economy and they will not give up that control to a bunch of unemployable lawyers who the corporations have put into office thinking they run the economy. This is just a tap on the shoulder: "We run things. Not the government, certainly not the people. Get in line or we'll buy different dummies to follow our orders.
Saturday, April 3, 2021
The Ugly Americans
It was insulting when we were "The Ugly Americans" because of uneducated, unread, uncultured new rich traveling the world and exposing our national ignorance and prejudices. But now, now we ARE the ignorant, uncultured, ugly people with degrees from Harvard, Yale, Stanford, etc. mostly in underwater basket weaving. Not only did the ignorant politicianns just fail over a half million dead Americans and their families and friends. Not only did Congressmen sign on to a Trump suit asking the Supreme Court to appoint the biggest idiot ever in politics as Dictator for life, those politicians didn't even understand, and don't to today know what the hell they were doing. Their Oligarchs sent their chauffeurs down to Congress to tell their flunckies what to do, and their flunkies did. Up with MAGA, Down with the United States. please, bring back the Ugly Americans, these stupid ones just make me laugh, 'til I cry, and think how I loved being an American. All my life I've been a sucker: God, Santa Claus, Easter Bunny, Good triumphs over evil 'cause its nicer, Study math & science, make the world better for Republicans. Hell, even our Scientists failed us. But I knew, I saw it all coming, when the Senate put lying dog Justice Thomas on the Supreme Court, I knew America had died. Maybe Hamilton was right, maybe the people aren't wise enough to govern themselves. Only Jefferson answered him, "Then they should govern others?" And Gaetz and Trump say, "Certainly we should. We're smart."
Tuesday, March 23, 2021
Republicans Need to Suppress Voting
Thursday, March 4, 2021
Answer to NYT "Loving America"
Love America? Everybody else can only tie me. There is no greater lover, or critic, of America. America is flawed, and shows it is flawed in every failed and stupid action its taken in the last few generations. But Jefferson, Adams, Washington, Franklin, Madison, Monroe, oh, yeah, Hamilton the signers of the Declaration and Constitution have my respect for their attempt, & failure, to put a lid on power grabbing, people crushing, capitalism; mankind abuse with (3/5ths a person) Slavery; misogyny in voting equality, freedom limiting with the layer of Representation in electing Senators, in electing Presidents, in selecting Judges, because they believed 'man is not wise enough' to govern himself.(Except Jefferson.) The landowners, slaver owners, said no man can be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law, and let only 35% of the people vote for Representatives, and only 20% qualified for office. But it was aspirational by bright and courageous people. Lincoln stood up for it and removed slavery, on paper, but not from history. But the Constitution is Amendable. And Madison started with the Bill of Rights'. And the Preamble to the Constitution famously pushes us to make a "more perfect Union". It's a 'hard slog'. We will become an Actual Democracy: the people will directly vote for the laws, for the President, and for the Judges. One Amendment away: see I love America, I love life, and I aspire to the removal of man's inhumanities to man'.
Response to NYT columnist saying Dr. Seuss has bias in some books.
So we shouldn't read Mark Twin? How about William Faulkner? Remove the examples of "normal racism" and you denigrate the fight against it. They demonstrate that people can acclimate themselves to any and all philosophies. And seems, especially the horrible ones. I think it's because of our prayer for magic. Maybe rotten does make us superior. But that's irrelevant. The truth is that there have been slaves for 10,000 years and a fair percentage of them were, and are, black. And white and toddlers and all exposed to man's inhumanities to man. And now you say tear up some of the little books that unintentionally, probably, but its irrelevant, have some bias. There's ten times the bias, black bias, in the Bible and the Koran, etc. Tear them up and I'll come to your funeral. Education and understanding is how you fight all ignorance. Get your head out of your column and get it into the human race. Oh, yeah, you won't get paid unless you, as a journalist, don't start some kind of fight, rather than help cure a human ill.
Thursday, February 18, 2021
We Overcame a lot of Stupidity, Lies, and Crimes. We should avoid having to do so...
"WE" did confront the Republican 'monarchists'. Even though we've lost a lot of lives due to the Republican ineptness at running a government, stealing a lot of money, being anti-law, and wanting to make Trump the dictator he wants to be. Twice we put him on trial and three times we told ourselves and the world Trump is crazy, inept, and The Republicans are just as crazy, thinking they can sell us a dictator, and one that is so incompetent and stupid in the bargain. The Press, NYT, WOP , CBX, NBC, ABC news, all helped, to a large degree. The majority of the Country read a little of the Constitution, a little of our history, even learned how rotten and inhumane we've been with the Blacks and Women in America. The Religious wars are going on and the conspiracy lovers use God, hate, fear, and didn't sell it all very well. America held. Our generation has stopped a lot of stupidity: the Vietnam War that the Pentagon knew we couldn't win, the Nixon crook, now the Trump crook and dealer in death and destruction. Public opinion has brought a lot of people to see that if you don't participate, talk back against ignorance and hate, and selfishness you end up spreading the hate and stupidity. I'm proud of us overcoming the Republican threat, as we did with McCarthy, etc. The trouble is the lunatic fringe needs confronted more and more. Science needs taught, emphasized, it works. magic fails us. Truth saves us.
Sunday, February 14, 2021
McConnell the 'Moscow Mitch' Shirker
McConnell did what he always does, he shirked his responsibilities to the people and pretended to care about the law because he has no personal affection or feels any responsibility either for the law or the people. Power is all he knows, all he cares about, and all he stands up for, his power. As a not too overly bright person myself I follow most of the 'smooth moves', 'thoughtful insights' and they are shallow ragged moves that aren't particularly insightful. To say Trump should be charged by the DOJ is the most repeated line of the news since Jan 6th. To say he hasn't gotten away with anything, yet, is wrong; he got away with 300 incompetent Federal Judges appointed through The Republican Senate that McConnell led. He got away with being a Russian Traitor by putting Mueller in as Special Counsel and avoiding both impeachment and indictment. And now he's gotten away with advocating the violent overthrow of the Government because nobody remembers the Smith Act and the Joe McCarthy Republican show of shows. It's all a meaningless joke, unless you're still in your thirties and you know your parents generation, the one that stopped a war and fired a President (while they were high), just Okayed a President sending riotous ugly people to kill 538 members of the Legislature and watch 43 of those 'weak Republican Senators' vote that it wasn't a high crime or misdemeanor per the Constitution. The guys he tried to kill say it's ok to try and kill them and make yourself Dictator of America. And, we are still paying those stinking ugly imbeciles who rewarded Trump, the head of the 'Murder Incorporated' gang that came to kill them. Dumb as rocks, the Republican Senators, and twice as ugly. Turn America over, it's done.
Thursday, February 11, 2021
Republican Party, the Party of SCUM.
History shows us that autocrats who send death into legislatures mean to take over he government of the country by force of arms. We have the Smith Act that outlaws 'advocating the violent overthrow of the government." and Trump just tried it, like Lenin did, Mussolini did, Hitler did, and more and more, starting with Cesar. Autocracy, what Jefferson call Monarchy and kits supporters Monarchists. Our ex-President had men and women, a foolish, incompetent, poorly educated, Putin follower, was entertained by people determined to keep the 2020 Federal election formally certified for history. And, after 212 years and 45 successful peaceful transfers of power, we had an attempted coup by our sitting President. After advocating the violent takeover of our government Trump celebrated the invasion of the Capital Building by his followers, puppets to Trump like he is a puppet to Putin, rampaging, murdering, and desecrating our Constitution, our laws, our honor, our Representatives. Etc... And now Trump's Political lickspittles, the cowards, powerful, power hungry, Republican Senators, whose salaries are paid by the U.S. Treasury, support Trump and his attempt to violently overthrow the United States government. It's fine with them. And they have declared themselves enemies of freedom, of life, of justice, of democracy. Thehy are rotten people, traitors to our Constitution, to all men being equal, Donald Trump isn't equal, they have twice cohosen to not punish him for crimes that were committed and could only have committed by him. They have spit on law and order. They have spit on the equal protection of the law. They celebrate the death of people who protected them. If that's not scum, i don't know what scum can be. Republican is now synonymous with destroyers of America, of people who tore up the Constitution, laughed at morality, Religion, law and order. They choose evil over good, vicious violence over debate.
Tuesday, February 9, 2021
Trump should be in Court,
Trump is not on trial alone: America is on trial. This nation, "Conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal" is again challenged by those who would have a King, or Dictator, and who hope to RULE us rather than represent us and serve us. The Republican party has gathered together, killed people in the capital itself, and must now stand up for the Bill of Rights and all men being equal, even the wrong and evil who would destroy our freedom. Trump should be in a Court of Law and tried for advocating the violent overthrow of the government. He should have the full protection of our laws and so should we have the chance to punish him for his attempt to steal our way of life in the same way he sold our money, our hope, and our future. Charge Trump in Federal Court, and incarcerate him and any man who tries to take our freedom, our future, and the future of our children. Trump screamed "Make me the king". And people died because he did.
Monday, February 8, 2021
Second Impeachment of Trump and No Criminal Charges in Sight
I can plainly remember Ms. Pelosi saying, in affect,"I don't want to impeach Trump, I want to see him in jail." I totally concur with that, apparently she doesn't.
Monday, February 1, 2021
Do not Follow Trump the liar, cheat, and Thief who is a Coward and a Fool
Republicans have chosen and supported a pathological liar known to be a cheating, ignorant, thief who believes that applying those qualities are the best way to govern and control a nation and the rest of us. A man who is a coward, "I'll be there (at the Capital riot to take over the Legislature of the United States and remove their fairly elected new President) and like the frightened fool Trump is he did not put himself in harms way. He sent you to kill and die for HIM, in violation of the law, the Constitution, and every moral code ever dreamed of. Go and make Trump President for life. The Republicans still believe and follow this pathetic coward to govern them and overthrow the Union. Trump requests you fight the war for slavery, your slavery not just the black community's. And you will have to defeat an Army, Navy, and Air Force that has a over a million soldiers, 10 nuclear powered aircraft carriers, 250 years of democracy, fought and died for, keeping itself and its future democratic. So you want this stupid Trump to rule you? I don't. The majority of the people don't. And we too, will, if need be, fight for what we want. And that is to not be ruled by a Fool, a Coward, a Liar, and a worthless Dog of a failed hater of the law, hater of order, hater of religion and morality, hater of democracy, and a hater of YOU. You have chosen this. Do you hate America like Trump does? Enough to ruin it with hate and ignorance?
Saturday, January 30, 2021
Fix the Internet and the Government
First rule of programs: GIGO, garbage in garbage out. There is no "garbage filter" on the social media internet. Free speech limits "yelling fire" in a theater. It limits libel. And Facebook and twitter, etc. are mostly just gossip. We are a society exchanging lies, stupidity, and obfuscation, as well as thieves, and foreign governments trying to undermine our "government". I don't know how to filter for "morality" and even 'legality'. I do know that if you let garbage be your main product you'll get customers and spread garbage to the unaware, poorly educated, and viciously self-pitying. Education has failed us. Economics has failed us. Government has failed us. The internet has failed us. We need to fix them and the society will improve. What's the chance? Minimum. An improvement in the Government is possible, but improbable: .
Tuesday, January 26, 2021
Trump'sgone, Back to Reality, Damn..
Our Representatives fight hard for power. They fight hard for progress, progress in a base level of economic security. Nobody should fear hunger, homelessness, and ignorance for their lifetime and for their children. Power is bought and sold in Washington, as it has been for 10,000 years of civilization. Strong men arise with promises and Revolutions must remove them. Then the removers prove "Absolute power corrupts absolutely" and revolution after revolution we have proven autocrats are for autocrats, kings are for the Nobility, Representatives are for the rich who bribe them. We must change the FORM of government. Throughout history hope has stimulated each generation that they will get good government. After 10,000 years we must see that none have worked. People must directly govern themselves. An Actual Democracy, where public debate leads to voting, directly on laws, not on 'others', Representatives, wise men, our superiors, the power hungry elite. We're doomed, unless we work for a rational, scientific, humane, world. Know anybody doing that?
Work for Actual Democracy, talk about the need for people to control their own lives and vote for laws, Presidents and Judges and don't have them pushed down our throats' and serve "The Man", not us. The whole world of governments take money from the people and steal 20% of it. And give us little for the Money. War gets 20% of money in the world. Think it have some return on that investment. Death, it just brings more death. Pestilence and Death, poverty and ignorance. Will we ever stop it. We don't have to love each other but we can at least quit punishing each other for being alive too and having children too. "They come and take your job. They are the enemy. We need cheap labor that lives for nothing and can't read, talk, or ask for justice.
Take control of life. Get us out of the concrete jungle where red of tooth and claw is the only way of life. Get humane and quit getting lies and get results. Vote for your life to be controlled by you. Vote for laws, Executives, and Judges; vote for sanity, truth, justice, equality, vote for humanity.
Friday, January 22, 2021
Arrest, Try, and Punish Trump and his Enablers...
At 78 I've been through a fair swath of America's history. And, I even know how to read, and I have. Things like H.G. Wells 'Outline of History', Arnold Toynbee's history, probably 50 years ago. Personally I heard Truman speak, Eisenhauer, Edward R. Morrow, etc. And I've watched the 'lunatic fringe' get oligarch money and become the 'Tea Party' Republicans. Then the Tea Party Republicans become Trumpster Republicans. It was still the Lunatic Fringe, with its leader a full blooded lunatic. The rule of law was destroyed. The Deep State of Federal employees was replaced by the Shallow state of uneducated stupid, lunatic fringe 'acting' administrators. America failed. It failed badly. We were lucky Trump was such an inherent fool and lunatic. I know Lenin, Mussolini, Hitler, Franco, etc. all took over governments and countries and that their harm is still all around us. If we let Trump go unpunished, untried, for all his crimes, America will never stay a vital Country on the way to a more perfect nation. Never. Without law you don't have anything except dictators. Time for us to choose. Don't punish the Republicans, try and convict them for their crimes against our country and against our Constitution. Good men don't do what they did! But they will again, or others will again, if we aren't adherents to the equal application of the law. Arrest and try Trump, and probably others, in the Federal Courts.
Thursday, January 21, 2021
Response to MYT article on "going forward".
To raise children in a secure home with a secure food, clothing, and shelter and the chance to guide them, laugh with them, teach them and learn from them, to laugh and cry, sing and dance, give and get with them and from them.
Wednesday, January 20, 2021
Good Riddance Donald Trump and Republican Traitors
The Republican party and Donald Trump advocated the violent overthrow of the United States Government. They took part in the attempt to overthrow the government just as the Russian government was overthrown in 1917 and the German government in 1933, by occupying the seat of government and removing the elected legislative representatives of the government. The Republicans were, and as far as I can tell, still advocating the Republican take over of the government, by any means. They whish to make the Republicans the rulers of America, the controllers of the treasury, the courts, and the laws. They are not safe, honest, or faithful to the Constitution. Danger walks the halls of the Republican National Committee. Vigilance, and voting, are the cost of freedom.
Saturday, January 16, 2021
Resonse to Trumps Insurrection.
Dennis v U.S. 1951, It is illegal to advocate the violent overthrow of the government, under the 1940 Smith Act. The incoming Attorney General must arrest, convict, and imprison Trump and Cruz, and all who advocated the violet overthrow of our government. Defend the Constitution.
Friday, January 15, 2021
Trump and sedition Jan. 6th, 2021.
There was the 1917 Communist take over of the Czars government by the people invading the seat Government and throwing out the Representatives. And the 1933 Nazis invasion of their Legislative building and dragging out their Representatives. We were just lucky that Trump is 3 times dumber and three times more cowardly than Lenin and Hitler and didn't help plan the takeover but "hinted" at it thinking "his followers" would know how to take over a government and keep the Electoral Colleges results to be verified and Biden declared the winner. Trump is just incompetent at every thing he had a chance to take over America, by force, but didn't want to guide it because 1: he didn't know how, 2. He was afraid he'd fail. So, naturally, with his kean leadership skills, he failed. I'm simply advocating not giving power to people who have no government or executive experience, and who might have some small understanding of what a democracy is and how it works. We got lucky we got a fool and coward for our would be Dictator for Life. An uncontrollable bright President would have simply stopped the election, instead of opposing it's result. Just lucky, because the Republicans are all for taking over power and to hell with law and order; and justice and freedom and America. Stay vigilant America, it's the cost of freedom.
Monday, January 4, 2021
Poor people made to wait much longer to vote, NYT 1/4/2021
Oh my. You mean people of color or living in poverty are treated poorly, contemptuously, inhumanely, in the United States, especially on election day? Here's news: that has been going on for two 4 hundred years. It has been supported by the Supreme Court: remember Dred Scott decision? I think Dred Scott was a cited precedent in "Citizens United". Blacks, Indians, Foreigners are not people, they are animals to be bought and sold by the rich and famous, and don't you forget it. We say "equal before the law, due process of law, and shoot blacks down in the streets! Hell of place America: the police go unpunished for murdering our citizens. And you take umbrage over the poor being made to wait to vote. In 1960, 100 years after the 13th, 14th,and 15th Amendments were written, we had to pass a "right to vote" civil rights act! A HUNDRED years later. 94 years later we finally said the black citizens of the United States were entitled to GO To SCHOOL. It caused riots in the streets that the Government, a century after the civil war, where 600,000 Americans died to end slavery, said the African American Citizens of this nation were entitled to GO TO SCHOOL. 160 years after those Amendments, we still have a vicious attitude toward Indians, blacks, foreigners, people who look different, talk different, are different. America is NOT the land of the free and the home of the brave. We are prejudiced, stupid, lawless, and believe we are superior. Will we ever grow up?