Even the raw uneducated citizens of the land deserve Representation. So they elect raw uneducated Representatives. They go with 'feelings' like Trump said, he makes decisions 'by his gut'. Simply put dumb people want dumb representatives to represent their never thought out positions and needs and how the government can help them. Today's "gossip machines", like Twitter and Facebook, bring them propaganda of total impossibilities and teach them to not only want dumb Representatives (see Trump), but that they should stop picking their Representatives ever 2 to 4 to 6 years and pick them for life, or leave the picking to the "party Leaders". In other words, do away with democracy and go back to Aristocracy, Monarchy, Dictatorship, whatever you want to call 'no representation' and no say about the laws, the Executive Officers, or the Judges. The solution, well known for 10,000 years and never, ever, implemented, is 'Actual Democracy", where the people vote directly on the laws themselves, no Representatives to be bribed; vote directly on the Executive Officers, no Electoral College; and directly for the Judges; no appointment by the Executive to a lifetime job and no accountability to anyone. Jefferson told Madison the Judges didn't even look like members of the same Country. See assocactualdemocracy.com put up back in 2014. And help them...
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