Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Republicans Need to Suppress Voting

The Republicans have strategies to 'steal' elections because their policies are mostly "power centric" aimed, not at freedom, people, equality, hopeful policies. Since Nixon, the really good "rotten" Republican the Republicans have had mostly second rate candidates, Carl Rove lying to voters, nobody saying we're going to improve our Country, except they will make more planes and ships and bombs for the Army - The Russians are coming the Russians are coming. Our education system has more administrators in it than teachers. Our roads are 40% refilled pot holes. Our businesses get 20% of their profit from tax relief and lower wages, no unions, no unions! Everything is a "Competition", like we're still in the jungle fighting for bones. 12 to 15% of Americans are in poverty. Single mothers, fathers in jail, black people shot down in the streets, guns for killing each other manufactured faster than hot dogs. The Republicans have a failed philosophy, a group of selfish money grubbing fools, fools: power hungry, and totally incompetent Republicans. They have no decent objectives, except quit democracy; no decent path to recruiting anyone but the bottom of the class. They have admitted, in Supreme court argument, that they can't win an election unless the Courts let them suppress the votes of the voters who know they are stupid worthless people. They cannot compete for votes because they don't believe in voters, or the people, or progress. Get the money, get money, Republicans!


Thursday, March 4, 2021

Answer to NYT "Loving America"

 Love America? Everybody else can only tie me. There is no greater lover, or critic, of America. America is flawed, and shows it is flawed in every failed and stupid action its taken in the last few generations. But Jefferson, Adams, Washington, Franklin, Madison, Monroe, oh, yeah, Hamilton the signers of the Declaration and Constitution have my respect for their attempt, & failure, to put a lid on power grabbing, people crushing, capitalism; mankind abuse with (3/5ths a person) Slavery; misogyny in voting equality, freedom limiting with the layer of Representation in electing Senators, in electing Presidents, in selecting Judges, because they believed 'man is not wise enough' to govern himself.(Except Jefferson.) The landowners, slaver owners, said no man can be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law, and let only 35% of the people vote for Representatives, and only 20% qualified for office. But it was aspirational by bright and courageous people. Lincoln stood up for it and removed slavery, on paper, but not from history. But the Constitution is Amendable. And Madison started with the Bill of Rights'. And the Preamble to the Constitution famously pushes us to make a "more perfect Union". It's a 'hard slog'. We will become an Actual Democracy: the people will directly vote for the laws, for the President, and for the Judges. One Amendment away: see assocactualdemocracy.com. I love America, I love life, and I aspire to the removal of man's inhumanities to man'.

Response to NYT columnist saying Dr. Seuss has bias in some books.

 So we shouldn't read Mark Twin? How about William Faulkner? Remove the examples of "normal racism" and you denigrate the fight against it. They demonstrate that people can acclimate themselves to any and all philosophies. And seems, especially the horrible ones. I think it's because of our prayer for magic. Maybe rotten does make us superior. But that's irrelevant. The truth is that there have been slaves for 10,000 years and a fair percentage of them were, and are, black. And white and toddlers and all exposed to man's inhumanities to man. And now you say tear up some of the little books that unintentionally, probably, but its irrelevant, have some bias. There's ten times the bias, black bias, in the Bible and the Koran, etc. Tear them up and I'll come to your funeral. Education and understanding is how you fight all ignorance. Get your head out of your column and get it into the human race. Oh, yeah, you won't get paid unless you, as a journalist, don't start some kind of fight, rather than help cure a human ill.