Monday, September 5, 2022

 The Republican Party is what we called the 'Lunatic fringe'. The Tea Party got traction and the self-pitying, "unemployed or underemployed", that is the raw uneducated of the country, along with the unchristian religious Americans, the haters and fearful, the lost and hollow, the Republicans, found solace in the liars, tramps and thieves: Evangelical tramps and thieves. This is not a political situation: it is a governing situation! The Republicans did not publish very many "Budgets" in the years they occupied the majorities. They just sole all they could. Trump stole more. Now he's selling the secrets he stole when he left office. (50 some folders empty of their secrets: sold or given to be used against America! Not MAGA Republicans: liars, tramps and thieves.  Women have lost their freedom, Trump has pardoned murderers, traitors, and many rich people and  got paid for it.  Twice the Republican Senate said the lying, stealing, totally immoral and illegal actions Trump pulled off were not criminal and did not deserve stopping him from destroying the Nation.  Now they want your votes, so the destruction of the Nation can continue. WE are under threat of Religious bible-thumpers who think  Trump is next to God while he  is just a dumber Hitler, Lenin who took over their countries. If he wasn't so dumb he would have succeeded on Jan. 6th.  Vote Democratic or kiss your future, your children's future and all America, good-bye.