Saturday, March 28, 2020

Sociology of healthy longevity

A 100,000 people die a day. Say 400 days *100,000 = 40 million a year. If nobody dies (and they will, accidents, murders, diseases,etc.) in a hundred years means 4 billion people added to current 7.5 billion, plus some normal growth of say 2.5 billion gives us 14 billion people on Earth by 2120.. Seems like that's not much of a problem. But for a thousand years we will have 14 trillion people. That's probably not sustainable. Unless we go to the extra-solar planets throughout the galaxy. Not so bad, if we are living 1000 years. Get big space ships going half the speed of light and you can go 500 light years in that time. Ought to find a couple habitable planets in that radius from earth.: Harvard Business school syas it takes 20 ears to learn a profession. That means we can learn 50 professions in a 1000 year ship ride. Piano player, quantum mechanic, space ship mechanic, mathematician, physicist, biologist, farmer, read the great books one 20 year stint, pool plalyer, short story writer, etc. How many generations of offspring in 1000 years? Say 50 years between each breeding period and you have 20 generation of offspring. Pretty big family. Lot joy, lot of fun, lot of time for entertainment, study, productivity, inventing, drinking, being alive. I'm looking forward it. I believe Adolesce from, that I've been taking for 4 years, just about guarantees me to make it to 150. When the coronavirus hit I went and had my cd4:cd8 ratio checked to see how my immune system was: ratio was 2.89, 44% higher than nominal 2.0 ratio. Many organs appear to be rejuvenated by regenerated adult stem cells. I might have to start working out and eating better...I think everybody should check out this Adolesce. You can start booking round trip 500 light year trips where you can read and write a lo of books, play a lot of poker, Sudoku, gin rummy, and then video games. Hell studying Knuth could 40 years. But you would end up writing a lot of code. Might end up with artificial artificial intelligence where your first product stops and writes the second one. Lot of fun might come with healthy longevity. I'm planning on it.

Responding to Dowd on Cuomo

New York writers and New York politicians see politics, plays, and unperfectible man, through a glass, darkly. There is glib toughness behind sexual innuendo, intellectual competence, and philosophical slow dancing. But the competition for love and glory walks on the road that rarely passes through New York, although, at times, it doesn't go through New York, but languishes in the streets with a few playwrights, a few competitive athletes, and a cab driver or two have driven the Razor's Edge of Broadway from evening playtime and late night pool rooms. But the New York philosophy ultimately strives to implement "All men are created equal" but seems too frail to fight for it, believing it to be "an idea" as opposed to a fact. While others believe in the fatality of being pinned upon a wall then climbing down with a vengeance and becoming competent to lie, cheat, and steal, in an honorable way or not, to finally, at last, believe they are someone. FDR was someone because he never had to prove to himself that he was. Families, like the Roosevelts, the Kennedys, the Bushes, the Cuomos, The Fords, Rockefellers, show that ideas of government, duty, love, family, and self can be seen in different ways, evolve through generations, and survive with courage and intellect that is big and worthy. That "worthiness" comes out from living and dying for what is bigger than culture, money, dancing in the streets, hitting a double, banking in the eight ball. We should stay alive...

Friday, March 27, 2020


Roger Duronio The Republicans have failed in everything about this virus pandemic. Trump said it is a hoax and caused death. He said it was going from 15 cases to 0. We have the most in the world today. They have joined together to show the world that mismanagement causes death. And now they play "give the money to people who have money or give money to people who don't" They are, GREEDY, Lying, cheating, thieves, as they have been since they stopped us from going into the League of Nations and then gave us the great depression, Watergate, Iran-Contra, Weapons of mass Destruction, and now Death and Poverty by mis-management and the glory of ignorance. We should get our checks and throw one big "last party" and vote the totally incompetent Republicans out of office for a hundred years, for the sake of life, freedom, and the coming unborn children of America.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Thanatopsis in times of Plague

So what's on my mind? Thanatopsis: poem by the guy the park behind the NY City library is named: William Cullen Bryan. The word is from the classical Greek and means "Thoughts of death". Along with that I reflect on all the poetry I stumbled on that brought joy and thought to me. Poetry is the long, centuries long, whine of the human race, a whine about dying and uselessness, about lost love, lost life, lost hope. And then there is "Do not go gently into that good night", Dylan Thomas. Pretty good read. T.S. Eliot tells us "We are the hollow men, we are the empty men, head piece filled with straw, alas". The First World War brought some good poetry with it. I liked "Patterns": a lady lost her future husband to the war. Good poem, good "whine".
There are many short stories about death and dying, even about "The Plague", a book by Albert Camus, 1957 Nobel prize winner. And Tolstoy's story "The Death of Ivan Illytch".
There are the stories of heroism: Socrates refusing to plead guilty to corrupting the youth of Athens and taking the hemlock. There is Horatius at the bridge holding back the attacking army. The three hundred of Sparta at marathon. Etc, etc.
Christ on the Cross saying "Forgive them, they know not what they are doing". Bt they did know. They were killing him.
Here I am, in front of my computer with thoughts of death, memories of poems and books celebrating and whining with a mild sense of pity, perhaps even a touch of self-pity.
My personal philosophy is that mankind is perfectable, can and will get better; with better defined as physically bigger, faster, stronger; morally better, more caring, less selfish, more in touch with "turn the other cheek", love thy neighbor, love thy enemy, give to the poor, help make the world a slightly better place for having walked upon it. i wish you a good day, good memories, good loves, good loses, good wins, good friends and family, good tolerance when you don't have those things.
Live! Live, love, dance and be merry, for tomorrow you, and me, may die.Love it all.Love each other. And lend me $20.

Sunday, March 15, 2020

The "Shallow State" meets the "Deep State" and is seen as far more shallow than we ever believed. Shallow Trump and his sycophants declared the number of covid-19 victims would go to zero really quickly. he Deep State of scientists and health professionals said "he's crazy", this is the beginning of a massive virus epidemic, now a pandemic. The Shallow State of Moscow Mitch, immigrant hating Miller, posturing Pence, are killing Americans with lies, delays, and money making schemes being advocated over stopping the covid-19 virus. The Shallow State has led to death of the people from shallow ignorance, shallow governance, shallow people, shallow ideas, shallow actions, shallow sense of responsibility, shallow competence.

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Deep State vs Shallow State

What some people call mistakes, other people call progress. I believe Trump and the Republican support for only the Rich and famous is a mistake. They believe it is progress. If all people can't gain a good life by way of their own efforts in the community they can't progress. We are shut out of information, education, and truth these days. The "Deep State" that Trump and his supporters oppose and is demeaned by them has a place in our history. It is my opinion that Trump's State is a "Shallow State", shallow in experience, shallow in science, shallow in truth, shallow in competence, shallow in plans for the future growth of freedom, shallow in the acceptance of responsibility for failure, and shallow in claiming responsibility for changes they did not accomplish. Given a ":Shallow State vs a Deep State I choose the deep one, reaching back to Jefferson and Madison: the one that said if you give your government the opportunity to rob you, use you, and hurt you, be prepared to be robbed, hurt, and used.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Equality of all ...

To all the "superior people", Republican and Democrat: you aren't, you aren't superior. You may have letters after your name, earned by hard work and with hope and care for the country, but that's what all of us do: work, for the country, for our family, for ourselves, and we succeed, and we fail, also. The key is to not accept any second rate position, no position that make Trump and the Republicans, "better than us", and no position where anyone is "superior" to any of us. Humility, honesty, truth, are still the right philosophy for a Democracy to survive. The Republicans, and especially Trump, believe they are "above us". While they obviously, factually, aren't. We must retake our responsibility to advocate our mutual interdependence, our mutual need of help from each other, our commitment to make "a more perfect Union". Damn the rich, super-rich, and others who think a few dollars more in their bank makes them better qualified to rob and abuse the common man. To make the "rules of the road". "To thine own self be true and it shall follow as the night the day that thou cans't not be false to any other man". Vote in November. Vote for truth, justice, and the American way: vote against Trump and his Republican flunkies. Vote for liberty and justice for all. Vote for America, not a part, or party, of America.