Saturday, March 28, 2020

Sociology of healthy longevity

A 100,000 people die a day. Say 400 days *100,000 = 40 million a year. If nobody dies (and they will, accidents, murders, diseases,etc.) in a hundred years means 4 billion people added to current 7.5 billion, plus some normal growth of say 2.5 billion gives us 14 billion people on Earth by 2120.. Seems like that's not much of a problem. But for a thousand years we will have 14 trillion people. That's probably not sustainable. Unless we go to the extra-solar planets throughout the galaxy. Not so bad, if we are living 1000 years. Get big space ships going half the speed of light and you can go 500 light years in that time. Ought to find a couple habitable planets in that radius from earth.: Harvard Business school syas it takes 20 ears to learn a profession. That means we can learn 50 professions in a 1000 year ship ride. Piano player, quantum mechanic, space ship mechanic, mathematician, physicist, biologist, farmer, read the great books one 20 year stint, pool plalyer, short story writer, etc. How many generations of offspring in 1000 years? Say 50 years between each breeding period and you have 20 generation of offspring. Pretty big family. Lot joy, lot of fun, lot of time for entertainment, study, productivity, inventing, drinking, being alive. I'm looking forward it. I believe Adolesce from, that I've been taking for 4 years, just about guarantees me to make it to 150. When the coronavirus hit I went and had my cd4:cd8 ratio checked to see how my immune system was: ratio was 2.89, 44% higher than nominal 2.0 ratio. Many organs appear to be rejuvenated by regenerated adult stem cells. I might have to start working out and eating better...I think everybody should check out this Adolesce. You can start booking round trip 500 light year trips where you can read and write a lo of books, play a lot of poker, Sudoku, gin rummy, and then video games. Hell studying Knuth could 40 years. But you would end up writing a lot of code. Might end up with artificial artificial intelligence where your first product stops and writes the second one. Lot of fun might come with healthy longevity. I'm planning on it.

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