Friday, June 2, 2023

Trump, the Rapist, running as the Republican canditate for President

 Donald Trump is the leading Republican candidate for President of the United States; and, he is a person who has been found guilty of raping a woman and having to pay her $5,000,000 - 5 million dollars. So Donald Trump, a convicted civil rapist, is who the republican Party supports. I can not support a man who has raped at least one woman. I cannot understand how a woman could vote for someone who has been found, by a jury of his peers, to be a molester of women. Trump is a proven degenerate. Voting for a proven degenerate should make you question your personal morals. Are there any non-woman molesters that the Republican Party should ask you to vote for? I guess they believe most people of America have no morals any longer, or if they do have morals they should ignore their personal morals and vote for a rapist, because he is a Republican rapist, I guess. I cannot do so, and I am far from a saint or bible tumbing moralist. Just an every day guy who doesn't understand raping women as a supporting factor for our a rapist, for voting for someone who may end up a degenerate rapist running my country,

I respectfully ask my fellow Americans to not make a proven rapist the most powerful individual in our country. Don't vote for Trump. I don't try and convince myself, and others, that a rapist can possibley be an honorable American President sworn to enforce our laws. Being a Rapist means I can't vote for you. And,I want the Department of Justice to put you, Donald Trump, in jail for being a Rapist.