Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Our Rulers

Our RULERS, the Legislature, the Executive, and the Courts are all fighting to be the Dictators of America. There are no "Public Servants" anymore. Our President says "I have absolute power" a week after he said, "I'm not responsible". The Courts Rule that Republicans can do anything they want to as long as hey follow the Court Rulings, forgetting about Abortion and Freedom of Religion and the ballot box. Our generation has been trained to obey. Put your head down and write code, act as the director says, play as the baton moves, sell this way, "you have to learn" how to obey to succeed. The American Oligarchs don't obey, they rule, and we have accepted it. Stop it. Vote in Public Servants and vote out the Rulers. And stay on them to serve us, to get fair wages, good vacations, good educations, good health system, good food, good friends, and involved community. And I am as guilty anyone. I say with pride, "My generation stopped a war, fired a President, and did it while we were high". This generation couldn't impeach the biggest lying, cheating, stealing, fool in the history of the world. We are pathetic today. And I am guilty. Mea culpa, mea culpa.

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