Sunday, April 26, 2020

Lack of early Testing in U.S.

U.S. inability to test in Jan. and Feb. made contact tracing and isolation of infected individuals impossible. The consequence was, and is, the U.S. has the largest number of infected and dead of any country. The Politicians, especially the Executive Administration, Trump and the other Republicans, appointed and elected incompetents, are almost singularly responsible. But the inability to test falls directly on the CDC, FDA, HHS, the biological scientists inside the U.S. Government, and again, in the Executive department. We have had little leadership from our Governmental institutions and it has cost us thousands and thousands of infections and deaths, more than any other country in the world. The conclusion is easy to draw: count the dead, and the dying. Words matter, but competence, and deeds, matter more. What we've been told was wrong, what they did was criminal. Vote them out. You are smarter than your Representatives, you are more honest than your Representatives.

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