On Democracy:
Biden: "Can our democracy
overcome the lies, anger, hate, and fears that have pulled us apart?
America’s adversaries –- the autocrats of the world –- are betting we
can’t. And I promise you, they’re betting we can’t. They believe
we’re too full of anger and division and rage.
They look at the images of the mob that assaulted the Capitol as proof that the
sun is setting on American democracy. But they are wrong. You know
it; I know it. But we have to prove them wrong.
We have to prove democracy still works — that our government still works and we
can deliver for our people.
In our first 100 days together, we have acted to restore the people’s faith in
democracy to deliver. We’re vaccinating the nation. We’re creating
hundreds of thousands of new jobs. We’re delivering real results to
people; they can see it and feel it in their own lives."
Biden sees the autocracy, monarchy, oligarchy pull, of the current Republican Party as well as in the failed Russian and other Soviet nations, as well as the currently successful Chinese Communist government.
It comes to the old line of Kings, Popes, dictators, and many philosophers, starting with Plato, "Man is not wise enough to govern himself."
To which Jefferson answered, "Then he should govern others?"
In 1960 I took a high school class named "Problems in Democracy". From which I concluded that he major problem with democracy was being confused with an economic system, as opposed to a political system. I've not changed my mind since then. And I also saw that has never been a "Democracy". B.C Athens of Pericles wasn't because slaves and non-land owners didn't vote. Representative governments, few and far between in history, have all failed; and never had the people voting on the laws. And certainly did not broadcast that 90% of the laws passed were based on monetary issues: get the tax money, spend the tax money how you want to. Which generally meant great swaths of corruption and repression over "the people".
Before we fight the autocrats, philosophically and financially, we should not only support Democracy, we should be a Democracy. A democracy is where the people vote directly on the laws, vote directly for their chief Executive officers, vote directly for their Judges. We should start working on this, now. See assocactualdemocracy.com. Contribute, help, work for justice for all, equality for all, freedom for all; you know, for Democracy!
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