Saturday, October 16, 2021

Answer to a question oabout "Spirituality" from only neurons, in Quora

 Spirituality comes from neurons that evolved to make judgements on how to keep you alive, at least until reproductive age. Consequently, many neural nets have gotten great potential to see the world simply and fairly accurately. But imagination is in there. Fear is in there, causal relationships are in there. Social actions and the potential for love and hate, confidence and insecurity, truth and falsehood. There are libraries full of writings on Gods and Goddesses, angles, and devils. There is not one shred of physical information flowing from these claimed creatures. Some movie had a decent character say they are imaginary playmates for adults. Religion and spirituality answered the questions that couldn’t be answered in their day: How did we get here. God made us and loves us and gave us guidance in these books we’ve read together to “explain these answers”. They simply have only opinion and hope and some means of getting money and power for the managers of the beliefs and believers. And it has worked. My personal conclusion is that God is the human personification of Evolution, it explains how we got here so we can go on with acquiring food, clothing, shelter, lovers, friends, and work. I also have taken on the habit of claiming God can’t be omnipotent because it is impossible: Can God make a brick so big He can’t pick it up? Can God make a sinner that he can’t save, or a saint He can’t corrupt? There is no truth support for Religion and spirituality. So the Church doors are closing all over the world. And the Churches that maintained celibacy for it’s Priests have had children sexually abused, raped and damaged, for 10,000 years. But, they were holy men, so they got away with it. I prefer atheism, science, David Hume, Bertrand Russell, Richard Dawkins, world literature and the rule of law without ghosts and goblins making the laws.

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