Monday, February 8, 2021

Second Impeachment of Trump and No Criminal Charges in Sight

Why hasn't the United States Department of Justice brought legal charges against Donald J. Trump? Why has this inept government, that has permitted death and destruction from an inept, greedy, incompetent, President, supported by an equally inept, greedy, incompetent Political party facing a jury on indictment for advocating the violent overthrow of the U.S. government; for obstruction of justice, e.g. Muller Report volume 2; or even the obvious and easy to prove Running his personal business while President; and nepotism in his advisors at the White House. And of course the paying off of the two mistresses, that Cohen went to jail for. Why is Trump, and co-conspirators, protected from the LEGAL process, now, and throughout all the time we were watching him destroy justice and raise the probability of more and more of us dying due to is ineptness, incompetence, stupidity, and personal greed. Because the Democrats, as ever, are afraid to defend the Constitution and the Republicans are afraid of not violating it. Wonderful life, living in America in time of cowards, fools, and thieves. 

I can plainly remember Ms. Pelosi saying, in affect,"I don't want to impeach Trump, I want to see him in jail." I totally concur with that, apparently she doesn't. 

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