Trump is not on trial alone: America is on trial. This nation, "Conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal" is again challenged by those who would have a King, or Dictator, and who hope to RULE us rather than represent us and serve us. The Republican party has gathered together, killed people in the capital itself, and must now stand up for the Bill of Rights and all men being equal, even the wrong and evil who would destroy our freedom. Trump should be in a Court of Law and tried for advocating the violent overthrow of the government. He should have the full protection of our laws and so should we have the chance to punish him for his attempt to steal our way of life in the same way he sold our money, our hope, and our future. Charge Trump in Federal Court, and incarcerate him and any man who tries to take our freedom, our future, and the future of our children. Trump screamed "Make me the king". And people died because he did.
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