Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Trump'sgone, Back to Reality, Damn..

 Our Representatives fight hard for power. They fight hard for progress, progress in a base level of economic security. Nobody should fear hunger, homelessness, and ignorance for their lifetime and for their children. Power is bought and sold in Washington, as it has been for 10,000 years of civilization. Strong men arise with promises and Revolutions must remove them. Then the removers prove "Absolute power corrupts absolutely" and revolution after revolution we have proven autocrats are for autocrats, kings are for the Nobility, Representatives are for the rich who bribe them. We must change the FORM of government. Throughout history hope has stimulated each generation that they will get good government. After 10,000 years we must see that none have worked. People must directly govern themselves. An Actual Democracy, where public debate leads to voting, directly on laws, not on 'others', Representatives, wise men, our superiors, the power hungry elite. We're doomed, unless we work for a rational, scientific, humane, world. Know anybody doing that?

Work for Actual Democracy, talk about the need for people to control their own lives and vote for laws, Presidents and Judges and don't have them pushed down our throats' and serve "The Man", not us. The whole world of governments take money from the people and steal 20% of it. And give us little for the Money. War gets 20% of money in the world. Think it have some return on that investment. Death, it just brings more death. Pestilence and Death, poverty and ignorance. Will we ever stop it. We don't have to love each other but we can at least quit punishing each other for being alive too and having children too. "They come and take your job. They are the enemy. We need cheap labor that lives for nothing and can't read, talk, or ask for justice.

Take control of life. Get us out of the concrete jungle where red of tooth and claw is the only way of life. Get humane and quit getting lies and get results. Vote for your life to be controlled by you. Vote for laws, Executives, and Judges; vote for sanity, truth, justice, equality, vote for humanity.

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