Thursday, December 31, 2020

Time to Improve our Government...

How'd we do? Count the body bags. Then count them in countries that knew how to solve problems: Japan, Taiwan, New Zealand, South Korea... etc. We have shown our government and it's philosophy, under the Republicans, has been lie, lie, lie, cheat cheat, cheat, steal, steal, steal. No science is right and damn the facts that cars work, phones, work, surgery works, vaccines work,  but stupidity doesn't, incompetence doesn't. Damn our government and what we have done to ourselves. The American Oligarchs have chose flunkies to put into Congress and they got flunky results. Trouble is, so did we. We must give the vote on laws to no-one. We must vote n our laws. The electoral college is wrong, voting directly for executive officers is right. Voting for the Judges is also right. One man one vote, equal before the law, equal responsibility before the law, damn buy congressional seats and flunkies. Do the job ourselves. We make the laws, we elect "public servants" and we choose our Judges. Nothing else is democracy. This Representative Republic has failed. It's time to fix it. Set up the Constitutional Convention, now. See, it was put up in 2014, years before Trump and American Oligarchs took over. 

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Americ's Covid-19 Response

And after the virus from China was loose in the world South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, New Zealand, Viet Nam , and China, and a few others, slowed and then stopped the spread and death from covid-19. Donald Trump and the Republican Party and Executive branch (Republicans) were more worried about the Stock Market than testing for the virus and isolating, quarantining, contract tracking, and fighting the virus. They are to blame for %80 of the cases and deaths. Donald Trump, unfit to be a human being, let alone a problem solver, became the problem of a generation, with the concurrence and sustained efforts, of the Republicans and their Oligarch controllers, contributors. Ignorance and greed of the liars, cheaters, and thieves caused death for a year now. It's horrible. Its as if someone who has the power to pardon people wrongly convicted used that power to free the correctly convicted in an arbitrary and capricious manner. America needs fixed, educated, and respected again, by its citizens. 

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Partial Trump Record

Campaign workers of 2016 went to jail. Children from 2017 seeking asylum still in Concentration camps. North Korea with better nuclear bombs carried on better missiles, 225,000 dead Americans, 8 million sickened americans. 30 million out of work. Trump's charged with rapes, charged with tax fraud, Impeached, pathological liar showing deeper pathologies: Trump's record. And he wants to stop collecting Social Security money from the paychecks. Biden is not Washington, Jefferson or Lincoln; but, he's awfully close to being Truman, Lyndon Johnson, or other solid Democratic Presidents. Biden is low drama, hard working, rational, problem solver, responsible, decent human being. Trump is a joke, unfit for making decisions, unfit for service of any kind: remember the Soldiers who died fighting America's wars were suckers. And Trump, He's a Prince among Men. But his record, outlined above, shows what he's done, who he is, and he is just a petty thief stealing large now, but still with a petty mind, petty ambition, a petty person. Impeach him the day after he loses the election so no one can pardon him.. Constitution forbids pardons in cases of Impeachment. Vote, seek justice, seek freedom, seek progress. 

Trumps Pardons

 Putting convicted criminals on the street doesn't help anyone, not even them. This is a complete denial of "equal protection of the law." It isn't protecting US. It is a key to the Republican philosophy of government: "There are special people, superior people, and they are the liars, cheaters, and thieves who run the Republican con game, and run the  poorest states, the least educated states, and longest states on the list of poverty and uneducated in America. They call people who work hard, raise their children, get their children educated in math and science and economics, lawyers and doctors, "elitists".

You separate people when you free the guilty and punish the innocent. It destroys morality, it destroys hope for a better world. Trump and the Republicans are against equality, they are for Government protection of ignorance, lies, and stealing from the government. And they are successful by defeating education, equal enforcement of law among the races, and classes. Damn pardoning crooks and liars and rotten people. Trump pardoned the crooks and liars and rotten people only because he is one and believes in it as the correct philosophy. Damn him and his ignorance that has killed 80% of our covid-19 dead. And Moscow Mitch is worse, he knows he is viciously a white supremacist and prides himself on it. Good luck America. We are being tested again on whether this nation or any nation dedicated to freedom and all men being equal can long endure. I think stupidity, greed, and lawlessness will win out. It has for 10,000 years of "civilization". Georgians, please vote, and preferably Democratic.  Vote your own best interest.

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Death, response to nyt article

 Death is running out of time to fix the world, to talk people into being kind and generous and curious and laughing and dancing, and caring. You have lost the chance for immortality, physically living for a very long time. All your memories, everything you have learned, the memories of all your accomplishments and failures. Adventures gone and no longer remembered. Death is a stopped clock that evolution has not addressed for rewinding. Shuffling off this mortal coil. Goinging into the "good night" and not waking up. The end of investing your time gathering and using information. The last absurdity of life. The end of what Dawkins called "the tyranny of the genes."

Monday, November 30, 2020

Answer to NYT Question: When can we quit thinking of Trump?

You can stop thinking about Trump when he has been investigated, arrested, charged and convicted for his impeached crimes, his Mueller defined crimes, his cheating, stealing, lying to cause death and destruction to the people of the United States. And it is not revenge, it is "law and order", full notice to all future lying, cheating, stealing con men who believe they will so easily rob America and the American people, kill immigrants, separate families, pardon the criminals he conspired with against the American peoples health, welfare, treasury, freedom, and justice. We must pick up the torn, wrinkled, Constitution from the bathroom floor, Amend it to be a better shield for Democracy, and put law behind the separation between the DOJ prosecutorial responsibilities and political and power hungry would be "strong men". And remove the Electoral College that makes a few states with few people the power behind the Oligarchs and other molders of our economy. Make America an Actual Democracy and you'll make it safe for the people, who will make the laws, select the executives and judiciary by voting directly for them. Make one man one vote a reality and not an empty Supreme Court ruling that applies to everything except the Federal Government and the People of the United States. See 

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Arrest Trump or Not

 No. Don't prosecute Trump Enable any other lying, cheating, stealing dog get the Presidency, run 300 companies, in his name, rake kickbacks from any men and companies, make statements and change the direction of the stock market for profit. Let every President from now on solicit help from foreign nations and owe them for it. All with total impunity. We've seen America's morality start down hill with Church bingos end up with government run loto organizations, horse racing, gambling everywhere. (Personally I'm all for robbing the poor to pay the Rich - good old Robin Hood in reverse morality.) We teach morality and now we can teach treachery and confidence men conspiracies on the massive government scale. Congress couldn't stop Trump from abusing the world so why should they try in the future. Why punish someone for our inability to stop a lying dog from lying, a thief from stealing, & a party from joining him? No. Don't hold Trump responsible for breaking every law ever written. Celebrate him as the greatest thief, lying dog in history. Let him walk freely among us and steal more, degrade more, mock our importance and fear and impotence, more. And permit stealing , lying, cheating of his children. Let's have a monarchy of lying, cheating, immoral, rotten people. It's the New American Way. "Crime is good", "War is Peace", "Trump and Republicans are Right". Fox News is the only truth. Give our children's lives to the devil and let us all go to hell, together. Happy Holidays.

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Justice Alito, Conservative Extremist is Judges Clothes

 Alito is very, very right wing. But he is forceful, totally convinced. all his life, that the Conservative philosophy is correct, beneficial,and worthy of all efforts to hold back the night of  equality of education, opportunity, and legal position kin this nation.  Look at the movie of the Nuremberg Trials movie. Justice is too important to be distributed by a few men on a Court. And the Supreme Court has failed America in every  challenge of "equality" it has had to face. The law in America is inherited from England, the most powerful and centralized cultural and educational era in World History.  The Courts must become tied to Democracy, must be elected by the people, not appointed by the Oligarchy, through the Executive. Our Democracy is fragile, really is. Until we repair to Actual Democracy, the Court will say what speech is free, what education is proper, what Unions exist,  if we may aspire to "no more poverty", no more select education, no more  superior people, and TRUTH.

Saturday, November 14, 2020

The Trump / Biden Transfer Requires Justice to be Done...

 Self-pity, being the victim, is all that makes up the base of this man, Trump. He desires this man's form and that man's scope and has never heard the words. Everything is destructive, to him. And it's "so unfair", not to have what others have, other's respect, others don't need to pretend they have. Who says, "i'm smart. I know so much." Who thinks they're winning when they're losing again? Only pathetic people who aren't. And he has lived it all his life. Now he must reap what he has sown. Haven't we all heard about this? And it is almost sinful to seek justice (or retribution) against such a flawed, lawless, rotten human being. But there are the bright, well prepared, scheming liars, cheaters, thieves, power seeking men who 'would be king'. Let this pathetic fool get away with what he did to us will destroy us. There must be judgement rendered and penalty paid to keep back the Oligarchs sitting on the side waiting to run in where our educational system has failed. We must, somehow, alter the Republic to an actual Democracy, where the people vote on laws, the people vote on Executives, and the people vote on the Judges. No Representatives to sell us out to the rich and powerful, generation after generation. We have 10,000 years of it's failure. We don't need or want the electoral College. We don't need or want appointed Judges who are not answerable to the people. We don't want rulers.

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Biden won the Presidency, thank God, from this atheist to allof you.

We will see how losers lose. We will work to remove lying, cheating, thieving people from our government and replace them, again, with public servants. If we are smart we will impeach Trump Monday, so he can't resign to Pence and get pardoned for his 4 years of crime and corruption: there is no pardon in cases of impeachment. Then, in January with a new and honest and independent Department of Justice  we can charge Trump with the easiest to prove crimes he has committed: the Mueller documented crimes.  Not as vengeance, or retribution, as a preventative for all future Presidents and 'want-to-be-Trump' confidence men with foreign and American oligarch backing. To say our Democracy is not for sale, not for stealing, lying , to use and abuse us with only the intention of Riches, fame, based on self-serving ignorance and incompetence.  

Protect the Future, protect the Constitution, lock Trump up because he has earned it, if any person ever has. He deserves it as his just reward. Obama let George Bush slide past the 'weapons of mass destruction' and Cheney's personal evil. We dare not let future and present Trumps con us any longer. LOCK HIM UP, justly, openly on the evidence of his lying, cheating, stealing from all of us, his followers included. 

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Consitutional Convention

We dare not repair to the pleasantry of our Republic Representative Government where the people don't vote on laws, Only Representatives do. Where people don't vote directly for the President but only intermediaries of the Electoral College do. And where no person votes for the Judges. We must repair to an Actual Democracy where the people vote directly on the laws under which they live; vote directly for our Executive Officers, and vote directly on the Federal Judges who interpret our laws and who are not answerable to anyone for anything they do. See and support one man one vote for each law, directly for every President, and directly for all Judges. Actual Democracy where there are no special people making OUR laws; direct voting for OUR President; and Judges selected by OUR votes. Nothing else is Democracy, nothing else is equality, nothing else is justice; and nothing else is any longer acceptable. Call for the Constitutional Convention now and put in the amendment that makes the people the legislature, the people the elector of the Executives and the Judges. We are one Amendment shy of Democracy. We should probably throw the ERA for women in for history's sake. 

Saturday, October 31, 2020

Weak Man Trump

 The United States was fortunate that "Strong man Trump" wasn't really strong. A Strong man would have taken over the U.S. government after the Senate vote leaving him in office. He would have attacked the leaders of the House, used imaginary laws to undermine them. Rally the military around him. Fire anyone in the Executive branch who didn't support his re-election. Then stop the election. When the Supreme Court ordered him to hold the election - refuse. The Executive backs up the Courts decisions. When he refuses to do so there is nothing the people can do but complain.  Trump is a coward, so he couldn't do it. A real strong man would have taken over America. The next Republican President will accomplish this destruction of the Republic, this philosophic transformation of power into absolute power, unquestionable power. Read Machiavelli. It's really easy. All there is to it is o do it. Trump is too weak. .. I think.

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Last Preseidential debate, 2020.

Trump's record condemned him: cruelty to children and families at the border; no understanding of needed plans to stop the spread of covid-19; stealing money and taking money from foreign governments; and pathological lie after pathological lie, exposing a probably deeper pathology behind the lying. He's a defeated man, glad to be going probably. He has to know how unfit he is for the job that requires someone with greater experience, greater honesty, greater worldview, and more experience in governing and government. Trump was a gamble for his "base" and both he and his base lost the gamble. Snake eyes Donald Trump. Pass the dice.


Friday, October 9, 2020

Response to NYT article on Loving Your Country

 Whatever game Trump and the Republicans are playing it is not the "Glass Bead Game", but it is just as poorly defined. Trump is not a Magister Ludi, He's a fool in fool's clothing. There is no guidance but raw power seized, used for one's benefit, and all else irrelevant, irrelevant. This philosophy has been attacked and contained throughout history, but it has prevailed everywhere. An "eye for an eye" prevails over "love thy neighbor". Caesar won the wars but lost the form of government. The Caesars lasted 700 to 1000 years. And there was no progress in the number of people or quality of life until the 1600's, the time of sanitation and the Renaissance. But it was the Medici and Borgias, and power of the Church that brought the Renaissance. Education overpowers everything else. The Corporations today, money changers aside, are scientific research organizations. And mostly closed in objective and method. The "founders" were always "right". And that's simply not true. Objectives run into opposing objectives . Governments and civilizations must improve both their scientific objectives and economic objectives.100% of the right, JFK said, is rarely on one side of an argument. Respect for people, aided by law, not forced by law, the "perfectibility of men and institutions" needs a rehearing, in scientific terms. A Nation is a group of people who have bought into a common aspiration: "man is wise enough to govern himself", or "The others need ruled by 'us' ",or , really, me.

Thursday, October 1, 2020

The boy who cried...


                                                   It is not a hoax. 

               The boy who cried, "There is no wolf", got bitten.

Sunday, September 27, 2020

The Coming Biden Trump debates...

 He was impeached for conspiring to fix the election with help from Ukraine. The Senate did not remove him because the Republicans want power more than justice and truth. Trump is going to face the people for his conspiracy with Russia - that the Republican Senate Report says is true and he did collude and conspire with Russia. Remember the six members of his 2016 campaign that WENT TO JAIL? There will be more this time, after he is voted out. He already said he can't win the debates. Biden will be given drugs to debate him, according to what he said last week. He's afraid, and he should be. Biden will do well, but he is Right, Biden isn't a kid anymore, but anybody off the street will beat Trump in any debate about anything: Trump will lie and even his followers hate him for being the pathological liar he is. He lied about the virus and 204,000 Americans are dead and 7,000,000 have gotten sick from the virus: he's Donald Death in my mind and will be for all the rest of my life. Moscow Mitch and Donald Death should be put under the jail, not in it. Vote.

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

One more time: Actual Democracy

We are all equal before the law or there are special people.  America and Trump believe in special people. The Constitution holds a big conrodiction: 5th and 14th Amendments say no person can be deprived due process of law or the equal protection of the law. The first and second article declare that the legislative power of America resides in the Congress and the Representatives in the House will be elected by their constituents and Senators will be elected by State legislatures (later change to direct election by amendment). Article two says the President will enforce the laws and be elected by an electoral college. Judges are appointed by the Executive. No citizen votes for the laws  they under. No citizen votes for the Executive officers, No citizen votes for Federal Judges.

We are denied the right to choose laws, to choose Representatives, to choose judges. Consequently, the citizens are denied the right to govern themselves. Does due process of law include having a say in making, executing, and interpreting the laws? Certainly not in America. Mankind is not wise enough to govern itself. There are special people, Representatives and Executive officers and  Judges. They are asserted to be able to govern us, because, simply, they are special, superior, people.  There is no equality before the law when 538 + 2 + 9 =549 people make the laws, execute the laws, and interpret the laws. If two heads are better than one then 200 million voting age citizens are better than 549 people. On man, one vote, only for other men to pick Executives, judges, and the laws.  Throughout history Representatives have betrayed their constituencies and robbed them, accepted bribes of power and money, and caused revolutions. Revolutions put in new Representatives, who got corrupted, and brought another revolution. With one more Amendment to the Constitution we can cut off the need for the coming revolution: see: 

Monday, September 21, 2020

Vote your "self-interest"

 You can't believe this man, Donald Trump, who deliberately tells you to die for him by giving yourself, unprotected to a deadly virus, "Don't wear masks." gives a damn about the American People? He kisses Putin's ass in public, says America is a second rate nation, seals every billion dollars that he can, and wants to keep killing Americans and Stealing their tax dollars. You probably heard about "voting your self-interest". It means vote for people who are slightly prepared to make sure the laws are made properly, enforced properly, and tax dollars spent properly. Trump doesn't know what properly means and ignores the law, ignores everything, and takes what he wants and says he's doing it for you-, because he "loves" you. He loves you like he loves soldiers: they are "chumps", "suckers" and he really believes it, and his supporters, are "suckers", he says so. A vote for trump is damned near suicide and giving him your bank account passwords.

This Country is all backwards. We are arguing who should interpret our laws and tell us what to do, how to live, what to eat, where to live, and who to love.  Some Democracy!!
Right now, we are free to obey. Quit obeying and they take your freedom.  We must vote directly on the laws ourselves. We must vote directly on the executives. We must vote on the judges.  I don't want a Democrat or Republican making laws for me. They take our tax dollars then steal them. They make laws so their children go to harvard and ours to the local community college.  Trump says the soldiers are fools and suckers. But we all are. We vote for an elected Aristocracy, not laws, not people to enforce those laws, not people to interpret the laws. We have to quit being suckers and vote our self-interest, not the oligarchs. See Join, donate, work for actual freedom, direct responsibility, real freedom: Party politics is slave politics, with a Trump name. It really is time for a change, time for a change in the FORM of government.

See, join, donate, make America an Actual Democracy.

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Ginsburg, another "Great Dissenter"...

The Great Dissenters of the 30s and 40s, Black and Douglas, saw their descents become the law in the 50s and 60s. And I watched the progress of equal rights, equal opportunity, get applied to the black community, the women, immigrants, sports, humanity. But always fighting the conservative philosophy of "superior people" with money and power. The Supreme Court has caused so much division in this nation by supporting the rich and powerful while denigrating the common man, the citizens of this nation. Jefferson's idea, evolved from and through humanity's history, that "all men are created equal" where "men" stands for "each member of mankind" is created equal, has been denigrated by Supreme Court decisions throughout our history. The great dissenters of each generation have fought hard against our prejudice, our fear, our ignorance and our acceptance of the status quo, generation after generation. We need to change our government into an Actual Democracy: people voting for laws, executive officers, and judges, without "representatives" making the laws we live under, electoral college choosing our Executive officers, and the Executive choosing the judges. We will be free when we free our institutions of prejudice against any and all classes that "compete" for the power of the common purse and common law making. We, the common people, should choose our laws, our executives who execute the laws, and the Judges who interpret the laws. See  

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Trump and medical masks..

 Trump and face masks? It's simple. Trump is the greatest terrorist in world history. He knows wearing a face mask keeps people from contacting the coronavirus, the cause of covid-19. But he says it is not necessary to wear masks. We have 4% of the world's population and 22% of the covid-19 cases. That's over 5 times what we should have. Canada has .4% of world population and .47% of the cases. U.S. has 5 times cases it should have and canada is slightly above 1 time what it should have, that is, .4% of population and .47% of cases. Why? Because Trump is a terrorist killing the American people while trying to get votes. He's still doing it. Deliberately telling people that "waiters" tell him masks don't help. To raise the chances of illness and death with deliberate intent is murder. Doing it for political reasons is terrorism. Trump, and his fellow right wing Republican extremists, white supremacists, spread deadly misinformation from seats of responsibility to get their constituents dead in the hope for votes. Feed the virus, kill the people, win the election. Putin has to really, really, love Donald death Trump

Monday, September 14, 2020

Response to a question on Racial Equality

 Your look at racial issues is rather shallow. It's not so complicated. It's the Founding Fathers: Is man wise enough to rule himself? Is man wise enough to stop fearing his own ignorance and his parent's philosophy of life? Is man the captain of his own fate or does he just go with the flow? Are those "look different people" , White, black, yellow; rich poor, middle, equal or are they easily classified into "dangerous, lazy, usable, dull" or "Strong, bright, trustful, industrious"? Or do they fit into all categories of human actions depending on what's going on? Are they, am I, humane, seeking knowledge, understanding, thoughtful, skilled, just trying to raise their children and leave the world slightly better off for their having walked on it? Are we all equally human, equal before the law, educable, fun-loving, fallible, trying, people? We, as Jefferson pointed out, summing up 15000 years of human experience, are created equal. So we should treat each other that way, within the limits of the criminal code - when it is applied without prejudice. We can't remove fear, and probably shouldn't. But we can cultivate courage, friendship, openness. It's not just "an eye for an eye" verses "love thy neighbor", or thy enemy, It's believe in yourself, that God and evolution have built us the way we are and we are not perfect, by a long shot. I guess it is harder. You and I just might be in "over our heads". But the questions are good questions. The Answers need a little work.


 We have been talking since The Republicans had control of all 3 branches of our government. But talking does no good when people have no intention of listening, evaluating what each other says, come with an open mind, come with the intention of making things better, for everybody. But we have not found that or brought that to the table. And after talk failed, we threw our hands up and this too will come to pass. Then it got worse, and worse.. We have to act. We have to protect the voting, protect our near poverty from getting worse, protect our paranoia from getting worse. lying, cheating, stealing has become the philosophy of success, the philosophy of even our religion. We need to quit talking and get out into the streets. Mock the fear mongers, join the scientists and get a common goal and work for it. I suggest "No man can be deprived of life,liberty, or property without due process of law." And then get a definition of law that includes accountability for Judges. Directly voting for the Executive officers. Directly voting on the laws we live under. But I have been talking to the wind all my days and now the night is here. We are free to obey. Quit obeying and they take your freedom. Trapped in a circle of futility. Frustrated, broke, and few hopes for the future. Power rules and it has been taken, taken, from us by fools and evil people looking to rule us and they can't rule themselves.

Monday, August 31, 2020

Unsafe Trump

 Trump sold out the Kurds. Trump let Korea perfect its missiles and nuclear weapons. Our allies "pity us". Hell, we "pity us".

A thousand Americans are dying every day from covid-19 and we are not safe, anywhere in America, because Trump is not "responsible", just ask him. "No. I don't take responsibility", he said, in front of the whole Country. How does this man live with himself ? Has he "no shame"? Of course he has no shame. He has no moral, legal, social, self-judgement and no self-criticism at all. Donald Death is perfect! Perfectly defective. Perfectively dangerous. We are not safe under the Republicans and Trump. This Country is not NOW safe to live in. There will be the greatest emigration of people and talent in history. There will be a "brain-drain" that will result with the failed Republican Party running the government forever, in a dictatorship of "unimpeachable" Presidents. And if that isn't the definition of a Dictator I don't know what is. Just take a moment, think about it. A president that cannot be impeached, like Trump, for good cause, is nothing but a Dictator. And the Republicans, like the Ancient Romans, now support "the strong man" form of government. Caesar over the Representative Roman Senate. Trump over the Congress. At any rate, we are not safe under Trump, not politically safe under Trump, not morally safe under Trump. He's the run country into the ground, and says somebody else did it, someone else did it. Elect trump and get more death.

Saturday, August 29, 2020

Trump Dynasty ?

It's astounding that serious people give credence to the Trump "potential dynasty". America is full of the "raw uneducated mothers of the land" (Walt Whitman). But that doesn't mean they are stupid, and Whitman did not imply that they were. They care for, work for, pray for, and support their children, and the hope for their children's future. Those mothers will struggle against the self-serving "Representatives" of America. Now that death in America "is the greatest", and incompetence, put on display for 6 months, is the greatest, and the disdain for truth is "the greatest" the "raw uneducated mothers of the land" must, and will, add their votes to the deeply educated, the well educated, and normally educated and "smite down" the clothless king, the authoritarian "raw uneducated" Donald, impeached President, Putin puppet, pathological liar, Trump. A dynasty based on this beginning can not even start, let alone last. We will not accept this in the land of those who have killed Hitler, seen Stalin and Marx (and what they stood for) die, killed Sadam & Osama, put the challenge of the Monroe Doctrine, brought down the Japanese and German nazis, German Kaiser in 1918. Can Trump see his way to strategic thinking as "War and Peace" ? Do you think he has ever held the novel in his hands? He doesn't read, how can he lead without touching the minds & characters of Washington, Jefferson, Adams, Madison, Lincoln, Franklin Roosevelt, etc. Trump failed, dynasty will not start.  

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Response to Trump Republican Convention, midly...

And now Trump has picked up the mantle of his hero lawyer: Roy Cohen: everyone you need to beat down gets a finger in his face and "communist" shouted at him.  We need to all re-read "1984" and 'war is peace'. They believe free speech is prodding someone into a fight and saying you had the right to shoot him because he hit you when you degraded, insulted, and scared him into defending himself. I had to shoot him 'cause he was mad at me telling him he loved the wrong God.

But Trump must be attacked on his talking point: I'm going to do this, and that, I'm going to fix everything. If he could fix anything, why didn't he do it during his term in office? 

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

The complicity of the news outlets in Trump's take over

All the newspaper editors, TV News executives and editors, have presented Trump as the failure he is, and 2020 brought it all out with his incompetence, fear, and stupidity in handling,or rather not handling the covid-19 epidemic. But that certainly wasn't needed to see the fool in fool's clothing, or the naked King on his high horse.  Before Covid-19 Trump was a pathological liar with other pathological symptoms. All easily seen and easily talked about. And TV and news outlets talked about it. Some good and some bad. It didn't take this total economic and health failure on the part of Trump and the Government as a whole to show an eighth grader his country, and his generation, was in a lot of trouble.  But the news groups and tv stations just started competing on getting better ratings, better inside information on how dumb Trump is, how many women he had affairs with, how much money he laundered, how many of his associates were criminals, how he took a knee - to Putin, how horrible a human and President he was. They watched and reported. They watched it all and competed in how to present it. They are still doing it. Why aren't they, every day, screaming get rid of this ugly despicable, degenerate, lieng dog out of his office, now! Today.  NO. They didn't want or have the understanding or the strength of character to say "get rid of this man" determined to ruin this nation, determined to do Putin's bidding, determined to do away with the State Department, the housing, labor, justice, military departments, the intelligence agencies. This paper, and others, reported the "downfall" of democracy, the rise of a totalitarian personality, and party.  But they didn't say stop it. Mueller said he had a DOJ finding that kept him from indicting, but he kept Trump safe for 2 years and reported Trump was a bum and crook.  That's all. Reported. Trump, and the Republicans laughed. WE all just watched. We didn't rise up in anger, we didn't cry havoc in the streets, everyday.  

Scientists are complicit in the deaths of our people under Trump

 Sure Trump, science denier (but Television works), has caused deaths by tens of thousands through his mental and character failures. But the Scientists of the American government, and in the public, are complicit. Who stood up and said without testing, contact tracing, and quarantine the virus would spread like wildfire, before the virus went ballistic? Who tried to implement the Obama era paper on how to fight a pandemic. Who of the fired pandemic group stood up, with their hair on fire, and said this is deadly and Trump is wrong, and CDC is weak and lost and watching body bags stack up without forcefully putting their jobs, and their honor, on the line. Well, they kept their jobs. They lost my respect. They didn't speak truth, scream truth, or build consensus and put group statements out. Where was the AMA, The AAAS, Nature and Scientific American, and Science journals? We're dead because the nation doesn't "love science" anymore. Well,scientists didn't raise the debate level, didn't show the other country examples and challenge us to apply them. They watched , time after time, the virus explode in state after state, didn't scream we need a country wide plan, a country surrendered by letting someone who said shoot up clorox to kill the virus. and it will go away, disappear, while it killed, and still is. It's way past "shame on you" to Trump and our Scientific cowards to explain this impossible failure.

Monday, August 24, 2020

Trump got Nominated -- we need help, we need saved

 Trump presents all things he's going to do: cut prescription costs, make more jobs, etc. etc. Why hasn't he done them during his term? He's given us fools and prejudiced men on the courts, a tax cut for the rich and a joke, or hoax, for the middle class. Built no highways, built a few miles of a stupid unnecessary wall, put babies in dog cages, and failed to give decent advice to the dying people and cost us more lives and more cases of infection than any other nation. Even the nations whose leaders are in Trump's class didn't do as badly as we did. He continues his irrelevant pathological lying, added to it with pathological pushing doctors around, to speed up the body bag filling. 10 million people lost jobs and 178,000 died. America is number 1 on the death and infected lists. He doesn't speak in sentences and never laughs, because he is mostly just demented. If you like living like we did these 3.7 years you better vote for him. Make sure children get a good start on living with death all around them, jobs not to be found, and a television fool who is unprepared for reality, except making it up and living in a world where "Only he can" make the worst out of all opportunities. And his Republican supporters who don't see these actual problems are probably going to win the stolen voting effort and destroy any semblance of a democratic nation for us all. I keep waiting for the fun to start and I just see body bags piling up, kids starting to fill the body bags now, and all for the nothing that is Donald Trump, incompetent fool and pathological human being.

   Trump will talk about crime: after 7 advisors to his first campaign violated every moral, legal, and political law,rule, guideline in history: working as russian agents to help an inexperienced politician and public servant, an admitted immoral womaniser, a charged rapist, and someone who would not show his taxes or explain his bankruptcies. A fool in fools hair.  He'll be abrasive against Biden, claim how he is savior of America when he has led us to being short of body bags at hospital doors. More people have died because he had no understanding of what a virus is or sense enough to listen to specialists  and take their advice. He took Fox news advice and let testing slide, railed AGAINST wearing masks, never spoke the words "contact tracing and quarantining". The weapons South Korea, China, Taiwan, New Zealand, Singapore, etc. used, in plain sight, to keep the people safe from the virus, where they have hundreds of deaths, or less than a few thousand for China.  Yeah, he's going to make us SAFE, he says, when he won't go to a hospital, say a kind word to a researcher, or a dying person. Scum, Donald death Trump. Fool, incapable, demented, laughable, and uses power to steal a few dollars rather than build a monument of accomplishment and health, wealth, productivity.  He's the biggest failure in the country, ever. A pathological liar, with symptoms of worse pathologies, if there are any worse than that. I guess murder by lie, is worse than poverty by lie. But lie is all he can guess to do. And does it as poorly as any other politician has. If America re-elects Trump we won't have any immigration problem, it will be an emigration problem.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Response to Biden's acceptance speech

When I joined the "forensics" team in high school my Father told me that if you say the obvious truth about a subject, no matter your style , or lack of style, people will say you spoke well. Because they want to hear the truth they know enforced. Politicians have now started saying "What people want to hear." So when we hear the truth, even the terrible truth, it is refreshing, it is what we are longing for, it makes a "great speech". Biden has always been a decent speaker, an honest person. This was a "good speech" because he told the truth. They all did, without much hyperbole. We know Trump is totally out of control, has nothing in him, no saving graces, that can be reached, that will keep him from becoming Caesar, napoleon, Hitler, Stalin, etc. And, if he wasn't so incompetent and underhanded he could have done it. It is incumbent that we throw him out. Vote. The Truth is, "We are in trouble" and Trump is dangerous beyond our wildest imagination. Vote, make sure your vote is counted, make sure your vote is effective, make sure your vote gets results. 

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Vote , vote against Trump, Vote for Biden

 Trump's personal deductions, the conclusions of a pathological liar, rather inept, unqualified person, are being implemented by people who share his world view:lie, cheat, steal and keep power over the rest of America. So everything is done "Trump's way", the pandemic has killed more Americans than any other nation by 50 thousand. The mail is being stopped and slowed so people ca 't vote - who wants a President who deliberately hurts the country? Re-elect him? Get more stupidity and vicious illegality? Why ? The novellty of his incompetence and lack of knowledge has worn off. We know he is just worthless as a leader, as a President, as a human being. Get rid of this bum before he kill our government and millions of people. Please!!

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Mis-judging Kamala Harris, candidate for Vice President.

 Aren't we judging on the wrong things? Aren't we judging Kamala Harris on the wrong things? She is a black women who has overcome what we see as handicaps. She supported the "Me too" fight for sexual equality and the equal protection of the laws. That's more important than her being a woman. She supports Black Lives Matter, so mankind can be judged by the quality of their character and not the color of their skin. I honor her objectives, her overcoming, but it is the issues she stands for, not how she came to support them that is the key. She is far, far above being a Black Woman: she's an American standing with the rule of law, standing with equality before the law, standing up for "the American Way" when Trump, the Republicans, the liars, cheaters, and thieves stand up for "the superior" people, the bullies, the rich, the ugly Americans. I cheer Kamalas "overcoming" and pushing frontiers, but I celebrate the will to "make a more perfect Union", a more perfect humanity, a better community. Giving great responsibility is not giving a reward to one's personal history. It is giving a challenge to making one's future join and lead, and help, make our world a joy, challenge, tough job worthy of doing.

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Response to "Woman Vice President"...

Gee, look, evolution has brought us "self-protection" from people of other races - racism; protection from other genders - sexism; protection from foreigners - nationalism: protection from the unknown: fear; protection from total ignorance: education, science, maturity, 2500 years of politics, building, measuring, writing, reading, dealing with the human condition, and overcoming of "the human condition". Wars, hate, religion, stupidity, kings, dictators, Shakespeare, Aeschylus, Galileo, Newton, Einstein, and, somewhere in the mix, civilization, mates, houses, and diseases. Ain't it fun? And, "We shall overcome" all prejudice, all fear, all ignorance, and the overcoming started with "All men(and other human type creatures) are created equal", flawed, fallible, daring, adventurous, and - oh, yea, prejudiced. Some line from the African Queen, went "...and we were put here to overcome them". Religion has good targets, poor aim. We'll get over our humanity when evolution decides it's time to let science and logic to "really get into our head". 

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

More on Pathological President ...

Pathological liar, our President. There is no question. There is pathology behind his words, spoken and written. He has lied about anything and everything. He is not only ill, he is inept, incapable of fulfilling his responsibilities and acting for the good of others. We all know it. We tried to remove him. The Republicans kept him in office and brought us death and debt, broken bodies and broken health care, broken financial system, and now, broken country. And our science, and legal system, our military and our governance are broken, perhaps irrevocably broken, by his pathology, tied to our vain hope passing the buck. But I will take very little responsibility for any of this massive failure of our Government, our inelligencia talked and hid its head. Nothing stopped the obviously sick and demented Trump. He's almost pitiful, but I begrudge my emotions toward this sick and failed President, and this sick and failed country. His mean spirit pushes back on pity. No emotion left toward the pathological liar, the sick liar without any saving graces. We bury the dead, treat the ill (not very well, but we try) and run to bars like lemmings running for the cliff. WE die for ignorance, arrogance, and pathological lies that we all see, do see, have seen, and pray that we may forget there is blame enough for all of us. And it's far from over.

Monday, July 13, 2020

Trump is a Pathological Liar, SICK, and President of the United States, Quandry.

Why has America accepted the fact that it is governed by a pathological liar? Why has the Republican Party protected this obviously mentally ill, sick, medically incompetent, deranged, illogical, person, Donald Trump, and permitted him to make decisions that have killed us, and are killing us, and we let him  keep making those decisions. Any dog catcher, any janitor, with his obvious illness would have been humanely removed from his responsibilities. The Senate, Republican Senate, refused to do so, at great cost in lives and treasure to the American people. No one in any company could keep a position of authority while demonstrating his total mental inability to perform in that position. How "sick" is America that it has permitted, tolerated, obeyed, Executive orders made by a man they know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, is psychologically ill. We elected a sick, ill equipped, psychological liar, as President and his political Party kept him from being removed. He proves his illness, he disqualifies himself from his office every day and we let him destroy our government, our Country,our morals, and our law. We must change our Government. It must be flawed for this to have happened and for it to keep happening. Remove this poor, sick man, this pathological liar, from all Authority. Today.

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Roger Stone's Commutation of Sentence

Stones testimony was made "in a case of impeachment". The constitution bars the President from using his pardon powers in such cases. Please have the law applied, to Barr and Trump. Stone's conviction was for lying to Congress and Mueller. Those investigations could only lead to impeachment since DOJ asserts the President cannot be indicted while in office. Consequently, the "case" Stone lied in was a case "of impeachment". Additionally, this commutation is arbitrary and capricious. There is no rational reason Stone should be have his sentence commuted. The President does not have the power to act irrationally. The Supreme Court has found that twice regarding this President. Just another Constitutional violation by the President of the United States, blessed and welcomed by the whole Republican Party and the whole Justice Department.

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Barr was wrong on the Presidents Power

Attorney General Barr was shown, today, by the Supreme Court of the United States, that he, Barr, The Attorney General of the United States, doesn't know or understand the Constitution of the United States, and is an incompetent lawyer who was totally wrong in his written and spoken opinions about the powers of the President. Barr said the President was above the reach of the Legislature, immune from any subpoena from the legislature nad from any charges from a state prosecutor. The Supreme Court, without mentioning the ignorance of AG Barr, said both of those stated legal opins were wrong. The court said, "No one is above the law, not even the President." Every beginning law student knows that, except the fool, flunky, lying dog, BARR. History will punish him. and, I hope, the Congress will, in the near future, punish him, for lying to them. He lied about the Presidents authority. He knew he was lying about the President's authority, because no person is dumb enough to believe the President, controlled by the Separation of Powers, is immune from subpoena. And the Supreme court has ruled that , with equal force, about President Nixon and President Clinton. I hope Biden hires Mueller to prosecute Trump and Barr.

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Opening the Schools

The complete incompetence of The Government and its health officials is demonstrated every day by the number of sick and dead from the caronavirus: 3,000,000 infected, 131,000 dead. WE lead the world in cases and deaths!! They opened business and churches and set off a greater spread of the virus than they had at its previous peak. Now they are going to repeat the stupidity, re-prove their incompetence, and have our children exposed to the illness and death that we have thus far protected them from. We will follow them and watch our children die, as we have watched the grandparents die, and then the parents die. We will because we hope against hope they aren't as incompetent as they have proven themselves. No one group of people can be led by the inept and let the ineptness, and ignorance, and incompetence, kill us, over and over. But we will. There is no courage, self confidence, understanding left in our government or country. I am crying in my heart already. Now I must stop crying and, with my hair on fire, scream to the high heavens, "Don't let the fools kill the children". They opened the Churches and the church goers are dying. They will open the schools and the school children will die. They have proven it! Stop them. "Stupid is as stupid does."

Sunday, June 14, 2020

The fruits of Ignorance, Reply to NYT Opinion

Neither ego nor gender are the primary culprits to America's slaughter by the cornavirus, but they contributed, second hand side effects. The great killer of Americans, as in all of history, is IGNORANCE. Ignorance of how to use the cultures stored knowledge, the knowledge in the books, sure, but more importantly, the knowledge in the minds of disciplined scholars. Trump and the Republicans already "know everything". Knowing everything means you can no longer remove pieces of your ignorance, can no longer push back the dark walls of ignorance that surround the little we have in minds. This egoistic ignorance stultifies learning, curiosity, new ideas, and advice from the experts who have spent a lifetime preparing to meet the enemy and apply their understanding, add to their knowledge. Who face only the small unknown from the new challenge, with no need to tackle the whole discipline, now. Ignorance, isn't just not knowing, Wisdom is mainly knowing how to learn, how to probe, how to apply the resources of the entire civilization. The Republican leadership, especially Trump, simply was ill equipped to do this simple task: Find out who knows, in this case, about pandemics, viruses in general, fighting them in particular, save the lives of the cooks, carpenters, scholars, the taxi drivers, athletes, friends and foes, AMERICANS, HUMANS. We remember the Harvard President before the Senate in the 1950's who replied to a question,"You think education is expensive? Try ignorance."

Thursday, June 11, 2020

General Milley's Apology...

Generals Milley's presence did not "give the impression" that the military was involved in violating the protesters Constitutional right to peaceably assemble. It gave full evidence and proof of the fact that the Executive branch of the Federal Government ordered the military to move peaceful protesters from their position. A standing army was used to carry out the determined purpose of the commander in chief: to stop the people from peaceably assembling and petitioning the government for redress of grievances: the murder of citizens, mostly black, without benefit of due process of law. Milley, in hindsight, apologizes. I honor him for that. The scar on the Constitution will, in infamy, last for the rest of history.

Sunday, June 7, 2020

What Happened to America?

The Soccer moms and dads all started walking their children to the after school practices, soccer, baseball, football, band. I soon wondered why. My childhood was spent "going out". Mom would ask where'd you go?" out. "What 'ja do?" nothing. Get washed and get ready for bed. And do your homework.  And it was evening and another day with the kids on the block, in the yards of the block, or in the baseball park with a play ground slightly separated from it.  I thought about it. There in my childrens home town, northern Jersey. Then it hit me. We walked the kids to and from their regulated play time to keep the police from taking them. This is in the late eighties and early nineties.  But It had been happening at the end of the seventies. We didn't trust the police and the police hastled all the children.  We've let it go on for 4o or fifty years now. We need public service we can trust and not fear. Especially the black and latino communities.  And we have to welcome all the children into the play ground and inform our children to get together and keep the bullies out of the play grounds. We did. And we were free. We talked to each other. Asked each other questions. Learned how to charge a ground ball, set a volley ball, head shake a would be tackler, remember what multiplication tables and points on  lines  were. Children of my generation helped each other, educated each other, played,worked,studied, and read books together. And we knew the first paragraph of the Declaration, the preamble to the Constitution, and most of the Gettysburg Address, and that most people were good people. WE got afraid of each other and afraid of the police. Pity...

Friday, June 5, 2020

Standing Army attacking citizens peacably petitioning the government

"All men are created equal": Declaration of Independence. "No person can be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law", 5th Amendment and 14 Amendment to the Consttution".  No person can be denied "the equal protection of the laws". Also the 14 Amendment.  When any person, within the Unied States or property governed by the United States, is killed or maimed at time of arrest, by an officer of the law, without any "process of law" except the actions and reactions of the police, that person has been deprived of his life in violation of the 5th and 14 Amendments.  This is not a question of "excessive force" or "police brutality" (altough the claim applies and iss irrefutable) it is a question of our fundamental laws applying to everyone. The black and brown citizens of this nation have seen members of their race and communities killed on the streets of America by police officers who go uncharged, unpunished, unchallenged, with impunity. The Police, like other members of the government, acting with the concurance of the elected officials in both the executive and legislative branches ( frequently even the judicial branch) are given immunity from the law rather having to face the full machinery of arrest, charge, indictment, trial, and sentence or freedom.  Why are the police immune from the commands of the Constitution?  Free of the demands of the major religions, "Thou shalt not kill"?
Because of prejudice, fear, and the false racial belief in the inferiority of the black and brown races.  Deny one person, one group of persons, the full protection of the law and you live in anarchy.  Only equal justice for all can give us justice and freedom.  The people are standing in the streets asking our public servants to serve the public.  They Government sent a Standing Army into the streets to silece the demands of he people for the equal protection and equal application of the laws to all people. America will die a violent death if we are refused.

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Anarchy in the United States

The United States Government has taken a "Standing Army" and ordered it in front of the Whitehouse, to quell the citizens peaceably petitioning their government for a redress of grievances: government employed policemen killing black men on the streets of America: a prominent, visible, and illegal denial of the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments assertions that no man can be denied life, liberty, or property without due process of law, and that the people shall have the equal protection of the law. In other words, the United States Standing Army has attacked citizens of the United States to enforce the citizens being denied their guaranteed rights and liberties. The "Praetorian guard" of Rome and the Brown shirts of nazi Germany did exactly what Trump had the American Military do in Washington: Protect the will of the Ruler that has taken away the lives and freedoms of the people. There is Anarchy here, it is the Anarchy of a government running wild with power and filling the streets with bodies, mostly black, while denying them "life, Liberty, justice, and hope." This government is now a Government of One man (a fool and liar) and far, far away from a Nation ruled by law. Trump waves his hands and says the words "law and order" and orders the Army to take it from the People. To my raw, uneducated mind, this is an invasion of the United States by the Army of the United States aimed at forceful implimentation of the Rule of the Republican Party under the Idiot Trump. And nothing less.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Out "Representative" in Washington

Washington has never been a center of "confident action" and "intellectual competence" or a center of "honesty". Americans know that our "Representatives" are mostly lawyers who could not keep a job in the good legal firms. There were always a very few who believed that public service was a necessary and respected profession. But those were mostly already rich and not going to Washington to get rich. We know that the draw to Washington is getting one's hands on the tax dollars and that was only possible through kickbacks, stock trading with inside information, awards from the Captains of industry for supporting them and their greed. Eisenhower warned against the "military industrial complex" in his exit speech. We know, that throughout history , "It's good to be the king". In a Representative Democracy it's good to make the laws that favor the monied and powerful for they reward you. Most the Representatives have never represented the people. The American Founding Fathers started with the presumption that man is inherently greedy, self-serving, power hungry, and requires opposing forces, "checks and balances" to keep the people from being turned into slaves, paupers, and employees, generating capital that others get. We know that was the beginning of the country. Now, under the Republicans, since Hoover, the lying, cheating, thieves have just come out and taken over the party. The American Oligarchs buy the Representatives before they have run for office. Pity..

Friday, May 22, 2020

Art is not the justification of our existence, NYT article 5/22/2020

This was Nietzsche's opinion, also. Creativity bringing joy and thought. I disagree. Children are the purpose of "life". What do value, as a species, most? Children. What do we spend our time and energy feeding, clothing, sheltering, and educating? Children and ourselves. The old cliche was "Self-Preservation and Preservation of the Species". Today it's simply "Evolution and DNA; gene control and guidance; propogate and replenish the Earth. Art is a wonder endaevor to dedicate one's time and energy to. It brings joy, wonder, and satisfaction to the artist and the aficionados of Art in general and of the particular art one practices. But a science career, and economics career, a bricklaying career, a farming career, does very much the same. Obeying evolution and falling in love, enjoying sex and companionship, raising the children is by far the most common consequence of life, along with a profession and applied skills for living, loving, doing your job, being productive. Children are best possible excuse for going through all we go through, and they are naturally, evolutionaly, the primary purpose of life.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Bright's testimony to the House Committe

Dr. Bright said what was obvious to everyone. Those countries with a plan of testing and contact tracing at the beginning of the pandemic, have deaths in the hundreds. We didn't follow this science and we have the most deaths of any country. What I learned that I didn't know was scientists had been advocating the practise from the beginning but the executives of the CDC and White House blew th advise off.  That's not acceptable. W.H.O has long published and established advice on the test-contract trace-isolate approach to stop a virus. The Obama Administration had a set of pandemic handling papers that contained it also. Of course Trump decimated the pandemic control group in the White House that was set up by Obama. This is one of the great cases of death of citizens by Government arrogance, ignorance, and self-serving. Trump may well get re-elected but he will forever live as a major cause of death in America. Probably right beside the covid-19 disease itself. 
              It was telling, to me, that Gov. Cuomo, in one of the earlier addresses to the people of NY and the country said the process of testing-contact tracing-isolation was totally new to him.  This is not to cast an aspersion on Gov. Cuomo, but on the scientists and Trump administration, that the process had failed to be communicated to the public to the point a Governor of a Major State had not heard of it. It appears that all of Asia knew the process, and followed the process.  83,000 deaths in U.S. and counting.  Almost inconceivable. 

Monday, May 11, 2020

re: "Main Stream Media is the enemy"

I thought they wrote things down. If they don't use weapons, but only talk or write or both, how are they the "Enemy"? You mean they say things you disagree with and therefore they undermine your personal "security" in your belief that you are right. The conclusion I draw from that is that you firmly believe anyone who disagrees with the opinions you advocate is your enemy. This points to a belief that what you know is a complete set of knowledge covering all of humanity, all of science, all of economics, all of government, all of history, etc. Or, you at least believe that you posses or have learned a method of determining the truth that other people don't share or recognize, and therefore only you, or a few people who have the same system, know the truth. I don't have a complete knowledge of what is known or what can be known. I do follow, to some degree, a method of problem solving: science. This method is primarily based on aking measurements and drawing conclusions from the measurements. It has given us control of energy: fire, electricity, gas, petro-chemicals, and control over matter: food, clothing, shelter, buildings, cars, planes, televisions, phones, things that work and make civilization possible. And since the major Religion of our nation says "by their deeds ye shall know them" I see the deeds of science and the deeds of everything else I have more evidence that science, statistically, works. The main stream media and the back street media, only express words and ideas. Measure them scientifically, for yourself, and point out their mistakes and they will quit making them. You get what you pay for. Me, I'm broke, so I don't get anything, especially "fooled".