Putting convicted criminals on the street doesn't help anyone, not even them. This is a complete denial of "equal protection of the law." It isn't protecting US. It is a key to the Republican philosophy of government: "There are special people, superior people, and they are the liars, cheaters, and thieves who run the Republican con game, and run the poorest states, the least educated states, and longest states on the list of poverty and uneducated in America. They call people who work hard, raise their children, get their children educated in math and science and economics, lawyers and doctors, "elitists".
You separate people when you free the guilty and punish the innocent. It destroys morality, it destroys hope for a better world. Trump and the Republicans are against equality, they are for Government protection of ignorance, lies, and stealing from the government. And they are successful by defeating education, equal enforcement of law among the races, and classes. Damn pardoning crooks and liars and rotten people. Trump pardoned the crooks and liars and rotten people only because he is one and believes in it as the correct philosophy. Damn him and his ignorance that has killed 80% of our covid-19 dead. And Moscow Mitch is worse, he knows he is viciously a white supremacist and prides himself on it. Good luck America. We are being tested again on whether this nation or any nation dedicated to freedom and all men being equal can long endure. I think stupidity, greed, and lawlessness will win out. It has for 10,000 years of "civilization". Georgians, please vote, and preferably Democratic. Vote your own best interest.
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