Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Americ's Covid-19 Response

And after the virus from China was loose in the world South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, New Zealand, Viet Nam , and China, and a few others, slowed and then stopped the spread and death from covid-19. Donald Trump and the Republican Party and Executive branch (Republicans) were more worried about the Stock Market than testing for the virus and isolating, quarantining, contract tracking, and fighting the virus. They are to blame for %80 of the cases and deaths. Donald Trump, unfit to be a human being, let alone a problem solver, became the problem of a generation, with the concurrence and sustained efforts, of the Republicans and their Oligarch controllers, contributors. Ignorance and greed of the liars, cheaters, and thieves caused death for a year now. It's horrible. Its as if someone who has the power to pardon people wrongly convicted used that power to free the correctly convicted in an arbitrary and capricious manner. America needs fixed, educated, and respected again, by its citizens. 

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