Tuesday, July 14, 2020

More on Pathological President ...

Pathological liar, our President. There is no question. There is pathology behind his words, spoken and written. He has lied about anything and everything. He is not only ill, he is inept, incapable of fulfilling his responsibilities and acting for the good of others. We all know it. We tried to remove him. The Republicans kept him in office and brought us death and debt, broken bodies and broken health care, broken financial system, and now, broken country. And our science, and legal system, our military and our governance are broken, perhaps irrevocably broken, by his pathology, tied to our vain hope passing the buck. But I will take very little responsibility for any of this massive failure of our Government, our inelligencia talked and hid its head. Nothing stopped the obviously sick and demented Trump. He's almost pitiful, but I begrudge my emotions toward this sick and failed President, and this sick and failed country. His mean spirit pushes back on pity. No emotion left toward the pathological liar, the sick liar without any saving graces. We bury the dead, treat the ill (not very well, but we try) and run to bars like lemmings running for the cliff. WE die for ignorance, arrogance, and pathological lies that we all see, do see, have seen, and pray that we may forget there is blame enough for all of us. And it's far from over.

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