Monday, September 14, 2020

Response to a question on Racial Equality

 Your look at racial issues is rather shallow. It's not so complicated. It's the Founding Fathers: Is man wise enough to rule himself? Is man wise enough to stop fearing his own ignorance and his parent's philosophy of life? Is man the captain of his own fate or does he just go with the flow? Are those "look different people" , White, black, yellow; rich poor, middle, equal or are they easily classified into "dangerous, lazy, usable, dull" or "Strong, bright, trustful, industrious"? Or do they fit into all categories of human actions depending on what's going on? Are they, am I, humane, seeking knowledge, understanding, thoughtful, skilled, just trying to raise their children and leave the world slightly better off for their having walked on it? Are we all equally human, equal before the law, educable, fun-loving, fallible, trying, people? We, as Jefferson pointed out, summing up 15000 years of human experience, are created equal. So we should treat each other that way, within the limits of the criminal code - when it is applied without prejudice. We can't remove fear, and probably shouldn't. But we can cultivate courage, friendship, openness. It's not just "an eye for an eye" verses "love thy neighbor", or thy enemy, It's believe in yourself, that God and evolution have built us the way we are and we are not perfect, by a long shot. I guess it is harder. You and I just might be in "over our heads". But the questions are good questions. The Answers need a little work.

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