We dare not repair to the pleasantry of our Republic Representative Government where the people don't vote on laws, Only Representatives do. Where people don't vote directly for the President but only intermediaries of the Electoral College do. And where no person votes for the Judges. We must repair to an Actual Democracy where the people vote directly on the laws under which they live; vote directly for our Executive Officers, and vote directly on the Federal Judges who interpret our laws and who are not answerable to anyone for anything they do. See assocactualdemocracy.com and support one man one vote for each law, directly for every President, and directly for all Judges. Actual Democracy where there are no special people making OUR laws; direct voting for OUR President; and Judges selected by OUR votes. Nothing else is Democracy, nothing else is equality, nothing else is justice; and nothing else is any longer acceptable. Call for the Constitutional Convention now and put in the amendment that makes the people the legislature, the people the elector of the Executives and the Judges. We are one Amendment shy of Democracy. We should probably throw the ERA for women in for history's sake.
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