Monday, December 30, 2019

Bar in NYT saying America is going to Hell...

Not all of America is going to hell, in a breadbasket, to boot. But the Republican Party certainly is, and a large section of the Democratic party, also. And Bar, Trump, McConnell, and the Senate are acting as the attractive devils, lying, cheating and stealing per the political moral code of America. They are saying the "Impeachment Trial" that will occur in the Senate, isn't a Trial. That it is a political vote, not a legal vote. The Constitution plainly says, "The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments." Sounds like a trial. And follows up: "When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside..." Again, sounds like a trial. So it should be tried on the basis of the Bill of Rights: faced by his accusers, witnesses against and in favor, legal representation, and fair. We need a fair, official, public, (not behind closed doors with political party more important than truth). But they will default to lying, stealing, and cheating, ruling our nation, taking it from us, in plain view. And Trump will be free to bribe every foreign nation to assist him in stealing another election, and all the money and power that comes with it. Turn America over (it's done), tear up the Constitution, it's just a piece of paper now. Trump can't be indicted or impeached. He is King of he World. And we must obey, we are free to obey, and if we don't obey they will take our freedom. Quandary?

Sunday, December 29, 2019

Trump claims Democrats unfair to him..

Trump says the Democrats have treated him badly. What has he done to the Ukrainians? What has he done to the 6 convicted felon Republicans who worked on his 2016 campaign? How fair did Trump treat the children coming across the Mexican border? How fair Was Trump to the Generals? How fair was he to the people he robbed at Trump University? How fair has he been to America? How fair was Trump to his wives? Cheated on all of them. Why should he expect to be treated fairly?  He is not fair to any living human. He exemplifies the Republican philosophy: lie, cheat, and steal. For votes, money, and power. And he will unfairly ask every nation on earth to help him win his election once the crooked, lying, cheating Senate Republicans find him not guilty of violating the Constitution. That's not fair, to the people of the United States, who deserve so much more, even from limited people like Trump.

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Answer to "What will it take to beat Trump?"

It will take a love of truth, justice, and all men being equal to beat Donald Trump. It will take the courage of our fore-fathers, our dead warrior heroes, and faith in the judgement of the majority. It will take not allowing foreign nations from interfering in our internal affairs, as the UN Charter requires. It will take belief in the fact that all men are created equal. It will take an understanding that 6 men went to prison who were workers and decision makers in Trump's 2016 Presidential Campaign: and why they lied to Congress and the FBI. It will take wanting to be free, wanting your children and grandchildren for generation after generation to be free to vote and elect people they choose, and not people Russia/Putin choose, to govern us. It will take standing against the lies of the Republicans and their puppets at FOX propaganda. It will take ten minutes of thought about whether morality is better than lying, cheating, and stealing as the Republican Party currently wants us to condone.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Trump Successful methodology..

The American experiment has failed. Trump: Party and power, by any means, wins over law. But, I hope people will talk about the 6 republican workers on Trump's 2016 election who went to jail for lying about Russian interference, paying off people not to ell their stories, and getting Wikileaks stolen data. More Republican help like those are coming, they are coming. When the Senate supports Trump he will continue to seek foreign assistance to win the election, and will probably win it. A brave Christian wrote that Trump is morally bankrupt and should be removed as President, and this well meaning Christian thinks it will make a difference. FEAR has grabbed America. FEAR of repression by the government has lead us to accept repression by the government: Trump lied about the government coming after the people's freedom, religions, and hope. He planned to do that and said the government was already doing it. It's the oldest bait and switch in history: "Man is not wise enough to rule himself" so you must let me rule you, for your own good. This is how all kings and dictators have taken over. They love the people and the current government is corrupt, which it usually is. Perhaps we should not choose someone totally corrupt over the corrupt amateurs Trump correctly saw and overpowered with Putin/Russian help, and people who went to jail, to get him elected. We're in trouble. I advise 1 of two ways out: Jefferson's "..a little Rebellion, now and then, is probably not a bad thing..." or the Constitutional way: Amend the constitution so the people vote directly on the laws, directly on the Executives, and directly on the judges: see Oh, and the statement "man is not wise enough to govern himself, Jefferson asked, "Then he should govern OTHERS?"

Sunday, December 15, 2019

More on Impeachment and Governance...

The Declaration and the Constitution are just words on paper now. They are not the driving philosophy of our Ruling representatives. Jefferson's fear of the Monarchists has come to fruition. The Republican cabal ignores the rights of the people, THE PEOPLE whose votes should count, but don't. The People whose money should be protected from thieves, but isn't. The People who's life and liberty should be protected, but isn't. The People who should be served but are used and ruled. And lied to and cheated. There is no government of the people, by the people and for the people. There is government of power and self-serving. Rousseau called an elected Representative Government an elected monarchy. And so the United States is now exactly that. Trump has been declared free of indictment and now the Republican Senate has declared him free of impeachment. He is free from legal responsibilities to the Constitution. And the American Experiment has failed. To fix this will require force of arms or a Constitutional Amendment, both of which both parties will crush because it would give the power of making the laws to the people, elections to the people, and justice to the people. See or Jefferson on a little Rebellion now and then is a good thing. We are ruled by men today, and by law. Pity.

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Impeachment and the Republicans...

The People and the Press are missing the central issue of the Republican argument opposing President Trumps Impeachment. The issue is Lincoln's: Is this nations STILL based on "Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal." The Republicans, under Trump, McConnell, Bar, and their adherents are saying we are NOT for, or even from, "liberty". And if we were from liberty it was an error, a mistake, and they are here to correct it, even against the majority opinions of our historic and present population. The Republicans will vote for their belief that the President is not bound by law: the President cannot be indicted and he does not need to aid in his Impeachment or recognize Congress' power to impeach him. The"strong man", the King, or dictator, or a benign ruler under any name, cannot have his powers limited by "his inferiors", the People of the United States. If need be, to bring about this 'reality' any methods are available and should be used: so the Republican Party has become the party following the philosophy of "lie, cheat, steal", do anything to get and keep the power to decide the future of mankind, 'for their own good' and for the good of the 'Superior people' the people of the Republican Party, who are wiser, stronger, better fit to rule and above any "SEPARATION OF POWERS". They use their elected powers to destroy the limitations on that power. And they have succeeded. The American experiment has failed. We need to change that.

And we change it either by force of arms or by amending the Constitution and making this Nation an Actual Democracy.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Response to Trump's Son-in-law NYT opinion letter on anti-Jewish speech.

"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." Voltaire. But the president of the United States, the one who can't be indicted and viciously covers up his soliciting interference in the next election, and did so in public; President Trump that is, doesn't believe that people who have an opinion that he disagrees with, should be "permitted" to speak that opinion. Hail to the King, God bless the American Monarch, and his Monarchy. The Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights are only pieces of paper now, not instruments of Governance. Jefferson has lost to Trump. Trump is above the law; the Republicans, the group looking to have "High Office" in the new Monarchy, to finally have support for their long, long belief in their superiority, support King Trump and aid him in stealing our freedoms and rights. The Republic has failed. The Monarchy has arrived, the American experiment has proven that a government of the people, by the people, and for the people cannot long endure. The Representatives always make laws to benefit the Representatives and not the people. Jefferson said (paraphrase); a little revolution every now and then is probably a good thing. Trump was talking about a civil war three weeks ago. He has no idea what will come down the halls of history and lead to slaughter again.

Trump's Impeachment..

Rousseau said elected representatives were an elected aristocracy. Whatever Trump does he does for the benefit of Trump. What is good for thr King is good for the Country. To not honor legal subpoenas in case of impeachment, when you are the target, is to tear up "law and order". The Democrats haven't made this point to the Republican Senators or the people. To seek foreign help to win an election is an admission that the people will not honestly, without interference, elect you. That you are not worthy of the responsibility, and that you don't care about the people or the nation, that you are ruled by love of power for yourself. Trump, now with the power of the U.S. Presidency, will do anything and everything, legal, honest, illegal, corrupt to keep that power, anything. He must be stopped before he is the first KING Trump, his ultimate objective. And the Republicans, looking with poor morals and hope for power themselves, are quit ready to give the Republic up for a few pieces of silver, and the chance to be a member of the new Aristocracy of America. And why not? Who's going to stop them? The ignorant, easily conned, people? The moral, weak Democrats? The Courts who take 6 months to rule that members of the executive must answer a subpoena? I believe my grand children will live in the Aristocracy of America, and I'm sick about it.

Monday, December 9, 2019

On the Post article about the Afghan war being viewed as unwinnable....

Duty, Honor, Country... Way to Go American's Generals, and Admirals. You gave up your duty, surrendered your honor, and failed your country but kept your good paying jobs. You cheated the American public. You knew you couldn't win the Afghan war, like your predecessors knew they couldn't win the Vietnam war. The treasure lost is horrible. The dead and wounded are beyond explanation. They were murdered, gun fodder, cannon fodder, dead men walking into a lost cause, and an impossible dream of Generals and their political commanders. Two wars, in my lifetime, that the strongest army on the planet could not devise a plan to win, so they were lost, at tremendous cost, in lives and treasure. But the generals got to plan wars, order new planes and boats, new toys, to make a good appearance for the parents of the dead and wounded. I cannot curse my country, as worthy as it seems to deserve being cursed. But I can curse my government and armed services for killing our children. And, believe me, I do curse you.

Friday, December 6, 2019

The Confederate Flag is a symbol of Treason...

The Confederate flag has always stood for treason to me.  The Confederate Government and Confederate Army stood for the destruction of the United States Declaration of Independence, The destruction of the American Constitution, and  contempt for Black People, Freedom, and all men being equal. And it led to the slaughter of 600,000 Americans.  We are free in America to burn the US flag, which implies that it is legal to burn the Confederate flag also.  I do not advocate flag burning. Burning symbols is only to anger those who have an emotional investment in the symbol being burnt. And angering someone is a waste of time and petty. I do believe the Confederacy were traitors and hope our history starts telling all of us, especially people who are still emotionally invested in loosing that war, that the citizens of the Union were loyal to America, the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, and the citizens of the Confederacy were not loyal to those ideals.  

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The Senate failures to the Supreme Court

The Supreme Court of the United States is the workplace of two known sex offenders: Kavanaugh and Thomas. The Senate of the United States is one of the most immoral institutions anywhere in history. It put it's imprimatur on these men: it voted for them to decide "what the law is". Many men are in the prisons of this nation who have no faith in the decisions of this Court. Men who are suspect morally, and legally, have put those men in prisons by way of their interpretations of "the law". Justice does not appear to flow from those hallowed halls any more. It appears to be a debate society with biased and obviously flawed debaters. The respect the institution once commanded has turned to contempt. We are in a deeper problem than the late 30;s and 40's when the philosophy of the dissenters of opinions were seen to be correct. Today, the dissenters are seen as co-conspirators staying and working under corrupt conditions. We may well need to heed Jefferson and elect the judges.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

When & Why Executives Run Amuck.

Morality is broken. Poorly educated people are not self-critical enough. And our educational system is broken. Listen to your congressmen speaking during the impeachment hearings. They don't know the english language. They don't know history. They frequently spurn the truth and twist it into lies and deceit to confuse and use and mold the public opinion. That is lack of honor, contempt for the people, and rule of man instead of rule of law. The Executive branch found, after Clinton's impeachment I think, that the head of the Executive branch cannot be indicted by the department of justice. The chief of police can't be arrested, just ask him. Every dictator and King in history first proclaimed himself above the law, especially after he acted illegally. Then they argued that they ruled, not by the will of the people, but by 'divine right'. Trump is following the history of Kings and dictators. That is why he uses the government for his own benefit. The government ceases to be a government when the executive uses its power for his benefit. That's when the Constitution requires impeachment. Power used in support of keeping power is power run amuck. And only harm results. If all men are not equal most of them are slaves.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Congressional Hearings in my Life...

I have watched Congressional Hearings since 1953. There were the Kefauver hearings on corruption. Then McCarthy hearings asserting everybody in the Pentagon and State Department and Hollywood were Communists. Then The Warren investigation came and I read it. Not very compelling either. Watergate was a blast just after finding out that Vietnam was an illegal war and the Harvard Boys got so many killed knowing they had no chance of winning the War. Reagan didn't remember anything about the Iran-Contra Affair but the hearings were good. The Republicans, after 8 years of investigation Impeached Bill Clinton for consensual oral sex; the impeachment was more obscene than Bill's actions. George Bush and Gore had hanging chads and the Supreme court ruled on a case it had no jurisdiction over, except when it says it has jurisdiction it does have the jurisdiction. But in no case before or after has the Supreme court ruled that it has jurisdiction over a State Supreme Courts Rulings over the state election processes. And we are all still looking for the "weapons of mass destruction". Now I've been through the Mueller Debacle and the Ukraine hearings. We will survive, but never be the same. We won't even be able to hold our heads up if and when we get to Heaven. Please dear God, deliver us from evil, and from our elected officials who do this evil, generation after generation.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Monarchy or Actual Democracy

Its a philosophical choice where the philosophies are pushing to the "extremes". 1. We must work together to accomplish decided goals and the whole country will prosper as a consequence. 2. We must raise ourselves up, work for ourselves and our loved ones, get as much as you can legally get and we will all rise up together and the country will prosper as a consequence." The extremes are now: 1. Every one's opinion counts equally, no one is superior, we are all in this together and to keep decision making power we must trust each other and follow the majority opinion. 2. There are superior people who must make decisions for all of us and to acquire and keep the power of decision making anything goes. It is Jefferson saying "man is wise enough to govern Himself and "Monarchists" are wrong while Hamilton says man is not wise enough to govern himself and must have the rich and powerful make decisions , Monarchists are right. There is no attempt to pull in from the extremes and "compromise" a little, or to find an Aristotelian middle. Kings and Princes make the laws or everyone votes directly on the laws. We have neither. I'm for the latter. See

Monday, October 28, 2019

Trump on Baghdadi

The same "wonderful" intelligence assets and investigators that found al-Baghdadi are the ones Trump has disparaged for 3 years. They are the same ones who found all the data Mueller used to show Trump putting his own needs and wants ahead of the needs of the American people and helping Putin destabilize the world. Trump contradicts himself about the value of these American Officers: they have always been the quiet hard working people making America and the world a better place for all of us. Trump is simply unable to look back or ahead and make statements based on the facts rather than his desires. If we fail to impeach him we must vote him out along with all the people who empower his indecent and narrow philosophy that hurts us all. All praise to the people who found and stopped al-Baghdadi.

Monday, August 12, 2019

Adult Stem Cell Regeneration Ad put on AFAR

This is an advertisement for Adult Stem Cell Regeneration, LLC. I'm putting it here because I think this community should know I have watched my 76 year old body rebuild itself from the inside out over the last 3 years. Empirical evidence: my arms have defined muscles, thick skin, and new dark hair growing. I have a courier job driving packages from one point to another in northern NJ. The rest of the ad, and the other regenerated organs, are found at I know it's impossible. I know it can't happen, I know it is the most improbable thing in the world; and I know it has happened to me and at least one other person over 76. I want everyone to have the benefit of actually regenerating their adult stem cells. Think, for a moment, if this is true, how things will change. It's mostly what the anti-aging community has been working to accomplish. It is certainly increased healthspan, and probably lifespan.

Trump and Republicans against all

Trump has won the war on children and babies. He has separated them from their parents on many occasions, because he cannot think of a more vicious thing to do to people. And "We the people of the United States" say "It's a pity" and "It's not who we are". They are right about the pity part and wrong about who we are. It took 80 years (well, 4 score and 7 years) after the Declaration said all men are crated equal until we warred among the slavers and non-slavers to free the slaves. It took another 60 years for WOMEN to get the vote. It was starting to look like we were making progress toward all men being equal. But Reagan and the Republicans beat down the "equal rights amendment" and kept women subservient to men and money. Today we live in nation where: "You are free to obey. Quit obeying and they take away that freedom". A nation where only the elected aristocracy votes on laws, votes for the Executive officers, and no one votes for Judges. We are better educated and more numerous slaves than any in history. Well, we can change it. But that means not obeying. Few of us have the guts for that. We'd rather see the war on children than oppose such a war. Philip Wylie thought he lived in a generation of vipers. Those were timid vipers, these are far superior vipers, American Oligarch funded, ignorance led, and winning the war against the children. I would say "God Help us" but the Evangelical Christians have already joined the war on the side of the vipers.

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Trump has won the war on children and babies...

Trump has won the war on children and babies. He has separated them from their parents on many occasions, because he cannot think of a more vicious thing to do to people. And "We the people of the United States" say "It's a pity" and "It's not who we are". They are right about the pity part and wrong about who we are. It took 80 years (well, 4 score and 7 years) after the Declaration said all men are crated equal until we warred among the slavers and non-slavers to free the slaves. It took another 60 years for WOMEN to get the vote. It was starting to look like we were making progress toward all men being equal. But Reagan and the Republicans beat down the "equal rights amendment" and kept women subservient to men and money. Today we live in nation where: "You are free to obey. Quit obeying and they take away that freedom". A nation where only the elected aristocracy votes on laws, votes for the Executive officers, and no one votes for Judges. We are better educated and more numerous slaves than any in history. Well, we can change it. But that means not obeying. Few of us have the guts for that. We'd rather see the war on children than oppose such a war. Philip Wylie thought he lived in a generation of vipers. Those were timid vipers, these are far superior vipers, American Oligarch funded, ignorance led, and winning the war against the children. I would say "God Help us" but the Evangelical Christians have already joined the war on the side of the vipers.

Monday, June 17, 2019

Ms. Vanderbuilt died...

Character and substance are hard to define, easier to appreciate, and rarely to be perfected. Many of the "rich and famous" have striven to present themselves as the exception to the ordinary, to actually be more wonderful, beautiful, and worthy of our attention. They reach many of their goals, and then, they to, unavoidably, and unjustly, die. Many of them were, and are, "bigger" humans than the average ranger. But the average ranger is, in my not so humble opinion, really superior to them. Without coercion the average person believes, "thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not steal, thou shalt not bear false witness, thou shalt not covet thy neighbors wife". The "rich and famous" got the memo, they just didn't believe it applied to them. And it probably didn't. But only because we the people were solid, good, hard-working, child-raising, family-supporting, good people. The rich and famous, torn by mankind's "un-perfectibility", rebelled against the norms, the caring, the hopes of mankind, and scandalized us by doing the attention grabbing foolish things they did for personal attention. I envied their ability to use their wealth to effectively scoff at our "normalcy" and try and force us to attend to their indifference to our normal way of life of working hard, marrying, raising a family, and trying to make a better world. They failed because I would rather be "normal" than a show off trying to tell others I am abnormal, and you should strive to be abnormal too.

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Trump in England and NYT Editorial

Of course the liar, cheater, and thief in chief is mocked all over the world. Sanity requires the mockery. If we cannot laugh at this inept, corrupt, Republican in chief who can we laugh at? But of course, the Laughable President is really an American tragedy. Some may think he is a Machiavellian villain but he is simply an inept New York petty gangster who has no morals, no dignity, a 600 word vocabulary and all the bluff and audacity of a the "poor fool". Until America becomes an Actual Democracy, where the people directly vote for the laws under which they live, directly vote for the Executive Officers, and directly vote for the Judges, we will continue to be pawns to what Rousseau called our elected Aristocracy. See

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

The Republican Philosophy: lie, cheat, and steal money and power

The Republican philosophy of "lie, cheat, and steal" to get ahead, to get money and power from the people and then use that power, gotten from the people, against them so they cannot and will not share in the use of that power. The examples of Hoover, Nixon, Ford, Reagan, Bush Sr., Bush Jr. and Trump display the Republican Presidents applying lying, cheating, and sealing that resulted in The Depression, in cover up and resignation for unlawful "lying, cheating, and sealing"; in pardoning a target of impeachment even though the Constitution excepts pardon in cases of impeachment; The "Iran Contra Affair" where laws prohibiting dealing with Iran and the Contras were consciously violated; Where members of the government who violated the laws in Reagan's administration were pardoned; where war was started because of non-existent weapons of mass destruction; and now, the liar,cheater, thief supreme, Trump, has violated his oath of office, as all these previous Republican liars, cheats, and thieves of money and power had done: Conspired to steal an election with the help of Russia and successfully did steal that election and then covered up that fact by obstructing the investigation assigned by his Department of Justice to determine how he conspired with Russia to get elected and how he hoped to also make billions of dollars in league with Putin. The Republicans have lied, cheated, and stolen the money and power from the American people and will continue until they are stopped.

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Politics and "Our better Angels"

This is a clash of "our better angels" and our belief in "survive, even prosper, anyway you can". Both are group think or gang think. I phrase it as "lie, cheat, steal" against "truthful, honest, communal": it takes a thief or it takes a village. The Republicans have finally exposed their philosophy that capitalism and democracy favor the lying, cheating, stealing philosophy, what a poet called "red of tooth and claw", the idea that justice is "an eye for an eye" as opposed to "love thy neighbor" and "all men are equal". There is a projection of these opposing philosophies: "There's a sucker born every minute" and " A house divided cannot survive". Since Henry Cabot Lodge subverted America's joining Woodrow Wilson's League of Nations after World War I, which may have logically and politically undermined Democracy throughout the world, even America; down through Nixon, Reagan, the Bushes, and, now, Trump. The move toward Republicanism, toward "take care of yourself and we'll be better off" opposed to "work together and we'll be better off": turn off the Unions by subverting them, turn them into a business themselves, address human greed and use it to bring the opposition into the Republican camp. Be cruel when necessary, be crooked, when necessary, undercut the Constitution, when necessary. Damn our better angels, they cost too much and are too whiny and weak to run a country. Jefferson has lost the argument, power and greed have overcome community and Justice for all.

Monday, April 22, 2019

To Impeach or not..

It is imperative that impeachment articles get voted on in the House of Representatives; and, if they pass then they get voted on in the Senate after the prosecution takes place. I say this not just because The President must be held to obeying the law as we all are, but because the votes of the Representatives of this congress need recorded. I believe what the impeachment process should focus on is very clear and simply understood: Are we for the Rule of law or are we against the rule of law and for anarchy. If the President has violated the law against obstructing justice then he should be held accountable for violating it. There are ten arguments in the Mueller Report that show, conclusively, that the president would have been and should have been indicted for those ten separate actions. So, the Congress, our Representatives, must stand before the world, before history, and vote for the rule of law, and impeach the President; or, the Congress will vote for anarchy and the President will continue to violate any law he cares to because the Congress is for Anarchy over the rule of law.

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Reply to NY Times Arpaio is a sadist article

Sadism is the result of ignorance and smallness of humanity. None-the-less, people who know they, or "their kind", are superior to "the other" people, justify their sadistic attitudes by dehumanising the "inferiors". Arpaio, Trump, Mcconnell, most Republicans, start from that position. The result is that they choose to "Rule the others" and not to serve the people. It is the story of Jefferson against his fellow founders: they believed "man is not wise enough to govern themselves" and have the landowners, slave owners, and well educated make the laws and "govern ( or rule)" the people. Jefferson said, "If man is not wise enough to govern himself, he should govern others?" Representative lawmaking has failed democracy. We must fire our Representatives and vote directly on the laws ourselves, directly on the Executive officers, and directly on the Judicial officers. Our government must be "our" government and officers of the government must be responsible to the people: see, join up and support it. Freedom is the freedom to decide one's own fate.

Hair on Fire ... Putin's open confession at Helsinki

I have been running around with my "hair on fire" since I saw and heard the Helsinki questioning/interviewing of Putin and Trump.

First Trump says Putin told him, forcefully, that he and his associates, all of the Russian government, had nothing to do with interfering in the U.S. election in 2016.

Then, when asked if he believed Russia interfered in the election, Trump answered, in part, "Why would they?"  Effectively saying he believes Putin over the professional people of the U.S. CIA, NSA, and FBI.  He gave aide and comfort to the enemy.  He put Putin's denial over the evidence presented to him, multiple times, again and again, since he took office.  But that's who he is and how he lies.

My hair caught on fire when the reporter asked Putin if he, Putin, had wanted Donald Trump to win the 2016 election and did he Putin, have his people work toward that end.  Putin listened to the translation and immediately said, "Yes, yes I did."

This is, in front of the whole world, to open cameras and microphones, a full confession that Putin DID, indeed did, interfere in the U.S. election of 2016.  In so confessing, Putin confessed to interfering with the internal affairs of the United States Government and therefore violated the United Nations Charter. he U.N. Charter forbids, in those words, "no nation shall interfere in the internal affairs of another Nation".  Putin not only contradicts Trump when he said he wanted Trump to win and had his people working toward that end, effectively that Putin did interfere in the election, but Putin admitted to violating the U.N. Charter and the United States Sovereignty.

Why hasn't this been jumped on by our media, scholars, DoJ, CiA, and Congress.

Trump is a Traitor and Putin is an enemy aggressor who violated our sovereignty, they both said so at Helsinki..

educating character as well as intellect

But, and it is a big but, we are educating intellect to the neglect of character. Look how many of us are bright competent people with no honor, no morals, no dignity, no compassion, no history or philosophy, even no religion, influencing and being a major part of their character. Science is truth, morality is evolution's result and methodology for maintaining and enhancing civilization and culture. We need to teach it, too.

Money is more important than people: Capitalism's philosophy

Capitalistic Republicanism has one major flaw, it advocates, in its actions and the policies it enacts, that


with which the liberal community disagrees.  The Supreme Court's Ruling in Citizens United is a prime example. But all of Wall Street, the rise of American, Russian, Chinese, and Indian Oligarchs is another example.   The Constitution holds:
" man can be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law..."  And the "property" view is taking over all of our motivations.  Our Representatives are bought and paid for before they run for office.  On average a congressman spends nearly 2 million dollars to get a 140 thousand dollar a year job.  How's that work out for the rule of law and the equality of the people?  The Political Action Committees (pacs, were the pack in the money) are simply addresses where the bribes can be sent.  And the Courts have ruled that the bribes are now free Speech.  King George should have thought of that.

The Constitution enshrines the opinion that "man is not wise enough to govern himself."  Only Jefferson opposed this idea
by asking,"Then he should govern others?" The people have never voted on a law they live under; never voted directly for the Executive officers, never voted for a Federal Judge.  Because the "Founding Oligarchs" didn't want the people to do so. The people are to be governed, ruled, and whoever makes the rules, Rules the nation.  We need change.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Response to Times on Article about Thieves of Democracy...

Roger Duronio
New Jersey
The real thieves of Democracy are the 'Founding fathers': we don't vote directly on laws, we don't vote directly for the president, no one votes for the Federal Judges. Why? Because the 'Founding Fathers' did not want us to: they firmly believed that 'man is not wise enough to govern himself'. Consequently elected Representatives make the laws under which we live and not, We The People, because we are not wise enough to do so. We vote for members of the Electoral College to chose our President, because we, The People, are not wise enough to do so. And Federal Judges are not voted on by us; because, you guessed it, we are not wise enough to do so. The only Founding Father who stood against this position, embedded in the Constitution, was the, arguably, brightest of the group, Jefferson. Jefferson said, in his first inaugural address, "It is often said man is not wise enough to govern himself, then he should govern others?" Actual Democracy is people voting directly on the laws under which they live, directly on the Executive officers, and directly on the Judges. Everything else is being governed by what Rousseau called the "Elected Aristocracy".


joe parrott commented 5 hours ago
joe parrott
syracuse, ny
Roger, Calm down, Dude. There was never a direct democracy in a large nation in the history of the world. Greece, the birthplace of Democracy, had an elected Senate. We are a nation of over 300million people. You can't run a government with that many people directly involved. Sorry, not. even. close.
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Roger Duronio
New Jersey | Pending Approval
@joe parrott 200 million people vote for the president in one day. They can just as easily vote for a law. The "rich and greedy" don't want us to vote for the laws. We don't want the responsibility. There are millions of reasons why we should be ruled like the sheep we are. But no other form of government than people voting on laws, voting for executive officers, and voting for judges (making hem responsible to the people) is a democracy. We couldn't get rid of slavery and women could never be allowed to vote, and... the Earth is flat. They were all wrong. Because something has never been done is not, not, a reason to rule out doing it.
jaco commented 5 hours ago
@Roger Duronio Given that voters elected AOC I can understand the idea that "We the People" are not wise enough...
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Roger Duronio
New Jersey | Pending Approval
@jaco The people will error, but Congress does too. A new idea came out a few years ago: group think, groups working together to solve problems. And gee, two heads were better than one, and 2,000,000 were better than 538.
Lisa commented 4 hours ago
Expat In Brisbane
Idaho has elected judges, even to the state Supreme Court. When right-wingers didn’t like a judgement a few years ago, a man who’d lost his job as a veterinary assistant ran for Chief Justice. He got a lot of votes, too. I am most certainly NOT in favour of elected judges — provided, of course, that the executive branch and the senate actually do their respective jobs and don’t nominate, and approve, unqualified Thomases and Kavanaughs. I live in hope.
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Roger Duronio
New Jersey | Pending Approval
@Lisa The Federal Judiciary is the most corrupt group of people in the U.S. Corrupt in the sense that they freely pick and choose when to apply the laws for the benefit of the country, and when to apply them to maintain a status quo (and law be damned), and when to apply them to favor a political party. They meet each year to give themselves new "paths to follow" without being answrable to anyone. Jefferson said "'s as if they are not even a part of the country."
marybeth commented 3 hours ago
@Roger Duronio: Not quite, although I understand the argument you are trying to make. The fact is that you can't apply 20th and 21st century values and mores to the 18th century men who wrote the Constitution. At that time, only men who owned a certain amount of property (meaning real property, not chattel) could vote. This excluded all women (because women by definition were chattel, the moveable property of husbands, fathers, and other male relatives), most blacks, Indians, and white men who didn't own property at all or who didn't own enough property. The Founders didn't trust the unwashed masses, hence the property requirement to vote. This ensured that only men wealthy enough would have a say in government. It also reassured white Southern slave owners that power would remain with a small group. Slowly, those ideas about voting rights changed. Property requirements were chipped away, and eventually abolished, opening the franchise to poorer people who didn't own property (renters, etc.). The post Civil War Amendments not only abolished slavery but extending the franchise to former male slaves. Women were still denied the right to vote until the 19th Amendment was passed in 1920. The voting age was lowered to 18 during the Vietnam War. We've had a history of gradually expanding the franchise, not restricting it.
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Roger Duronio
New Jersey | Pending Approval
@marybeth The next evolutionary step in government is to end the Representative Republic and install an Actual Democracy where thepeople don't ask someone to make the laws under which they live but make the laws themselves. Nothing else is democracy. Nothing else is justice. It does away with bought and paid for Representatives and all the corruption and stupidity that comes with it. 30 million Californians have two Senators and 500 thousand Montanans have 2 Senators. That is not justice. The Constitution needs to be Amended so people keep their power and everybody has the same amount of power. 1 person 1 vote: for laws, executives and judges.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Mueller Must Indict Trump

Since the only outcome is claimed to be impeachment and not indictment, Mueller's work is irrelevant, legally.

The Democrats are as afraid of impeaching Trump as the Democrats were of indicting Bush in 2009.

Consequently, America has given up, totally, the Rule of Law.

Our Presidents are now proven to be above the law, beyond the reach of Justice: Impeachment is a 'political' action and if the politicians protect the President so they can keep trying to win elections and the Justice Department has handcuffed itself from indicting the President, The President is above the law.

My advise to remedy this quandary is for the Justice Department to change their rule against indictment and say that a President must be indicted if there is evidence to support an indictment against the President then he must be indicted, and there will be no discretion in deciding to indict.

Mueller must indict Trump and get the Supreme Court to support his action.

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Antisemitism discussion...

Anti-Antisemitism is not exceptional.  Whenever a group of humans seeks to implement a position of superiority over a different group of humans, or every other group of humans, they start with groups that have been denigrated before or start demonizing new groups. Hitler did it with the Jews. America did it with the Indians and then the blacks, probably concurrently with the blacks: white = good; everything else = bad.

There are some who believe the Old Jewish Testament, that declares the Jews are "The Chosen People" is a point of antagonism and 'backlash' for all the non-Jews.

Fear causes biological irrationality and to overcome both the fear and irrationality takes a huge  mental effort, years of discipline and rational study, or the basic adherence to Jeffersonian Democracy: "All men are created equal".  Most people are too busy obeying bosses, seeking survival money, or a "better way of life" to worry about who they hate, why they hate, and who they are helping when they hate. 

"Love thy neighbor" is stated in Buddhism, reiterated in  the New Testament, and embodied in law under " no man can be denied life, liberty, or property without due process of law" and "all men have the right to the equal protection of the laws".   Except, of course, all the others, the ones we hate.  And gee, can you believe it, some of them hate me, and you.

Funny, isn't it.

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Trump and Putin meetings are Putin giving "marching orders" to "Agent Trump"

The news talking heads are carried away with the fact that Trump has meetings with Putin that are not observed or recorded by any Americans. The simple fact is that is when the Russian/Putin agent, our President, Donald J. Trump, gets his marching orders from Putin: Trump's been told, by Putin, to destroy the American State department, leave the Iran Nuclear Treaty, attack world trade, pull America's forces out of the middle east, disrupt and destroy the United Nations, get the competent people out of the American government, REMOVE the monetary SANCTIONS from Russia, weaken American and it's allies in every possible way. It's not hard to see and understand that that is what's going on. And the "talking heads", along with the Republican controlled government, has taken two years to see it and believe it.

Flynn was lying about being a messenger between Putin and Trump. He was. That was two years ago. Easily seen and the Judge said to Flynn that he had "sold out his country". So has Trump. So did the Republican House and Senate.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Reply to NYT article on Giuliani flip-flop

Giuliani has admitted Trump's Campaign conspired with Russia/Putin to interfere with the internal processes of the United States: the federal election of Nov. 2016. The simple truth is the conspiracy is well known and seen in our public discourse everyday. What is not obvious is that the unregistered agent of the Russian/Putin government, Donald J. Trump, was illegally elected as a result of that illegal conspiracy. The Federal Election of 2016 is null and void. Trump's abuse of the illegally obtained Presidential power has led to the death of many people, the destruction and theft of money and other treasure, and the destruction of the Federal Government. All, probably, in payment for Russian/Putin's help in illegally obtaining the American Presidency. Bottom line is people died and property was destroyed by the illegal actions stemming from the Trump/Putin conspiracy and they both should be tried for the murders and thefts they have carried out against their respective peoples, and others. These are "Peace Crimes": theft of election, by an unregistered agent of a foreign power and the foreign power itself. In another day they would be hung by the neck until dead. Perhaps it should also apply today.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Trump is a non-registered Russian agent.

I have been amiss in saying Trump is a traitor. The Supreme Court gave a very limited definition of treason and it was, effectively, a solider, or citizen, of the U.S. giving aide and comfort to the enemy.

That said, there is no question that President Trump was, and is, an unregistered agent of a foreign power: Russia. The change of the Republican platform on the Ukrainian plank demonstrated Trump, perhaps through members of his campaign, serving the interests of Russia/Putin.

When Flynn asked Kislyak ( caught on tapes being made of Kislyak's calls) to have Russia/Putin not react to the Obama sanctions of Dec 2016, and then Russia/Putin did not react, it is obvious that Russia/Putin did not react because Flynn had asked them not to react, but because Trump had asked them not to react, through Flynn, and perhaps others before Flynn got the last assignment. Putin would not take a message from Flynn, let alone act on it, unless he knew the President Elect, Donald Trump, was the person sending the message.

The appointment of Tillerson, as Secretary of State, and who is a hero of Russia, who had the medal pinned on by Putin, also raised my antennae.  And when the State Department pushed out it's best people, all around the world I saw Trump was a Russian agent.

Trump's writing the lies about the Tower meeting that Donald Jr. called, was the action of an agent.

Firing Comey; putting Russia/Putin above and ahead of America at Helsinki. acting in Russia/Putin's favor.
