Sunday, December 1, 2019

When & Why Executives Run Amuck.

Morality is broken. Poorly educated people are not self-critical enough. And our educational system is broken. Listen to your congressmen speaking during the impeachment hearings. They don't know the english language. They don't know history. They frequently spurn the truth and twist it into lies and deceit to confuse and use and mold the public opinion. That is lack of honor, contempt for the people, and rule of man instead of rule of law. The Executive branch found, after Clinton's impeachment I think, that the head of the Executive branch cannot be indicted by the department of justice. The chief of police can't be arrested, just ask him. Every dictator and King in history first proclaimed himself above the law, especially after he acted illegally. Then they argued that they ruled, not by the will of the people, but by 'divine right'. Trump is following the history of Kings and dictators. That is why he uses the government for his own benefit. The government ceases to be a government when the executive uses its power for his benefit. That's when the Constitution requires impeachment. Power used in support of keeping power is power run amuck. And only harm results. If all men are not equal most of them are slaves.

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