Sunday, March 10, 2019

Antisemitism discussion...

Anti-Antisemitism is not exceptional.  Whenever a group of humans seeks to implement a position of superiority over a different group of humans, or every other group of humans, they start with groups that have been denigrated before or start demonizing new groups. Hitler did it with the Jews. America did it with the Indians and then the blacks, probably concurrently with the blacks: white = good; everything else = bad.

There are some who believe the Old Jewish Testament, that declares the Jews are "The Chosen People" is a point of antagonism and 'backlash' for all the non-Jews.

Fear causes biological irrationality and to overcome both the fear and irrationality takes a huge  mental effort, years of discipline and rational study, or the basic adherence to Jeffersonian Democracy: "All men are created equal".  Most people are too busy obeying bosses, seeking survival money, or a "better way of life" to worry about who they hate, why they hate, and who they are helping when they hate. 

"Love thy neighbor" is stated in Buddhism, reiterated in  the New Testament, and embodied in law under " no man can be denied life, liberty, or property without due process of law" and "all men have the right to the equal protection of the laws".   Except, of course, all the others, the ones we hate.  And gee, can you believe it, some of them hate me, and you.

Funny, isn't it.

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