Thursday, January 17, 2019

Reply to NYT article on Giuliani flip-flop

Giuliani has admitted Trump's Campaign conspired with Russia/Putin to interfere with the internal processes of the United States: the federal election of Nov. 2016. The simple truth is the conspiracy is well known and seen in our public discourse everyday. What is not obvious is that the unregistered agent of the Russian/Putin government, Donald J. Trump, was illegally elected as a result of that illegal conspiracy. The Federal Election of 2016 is null and void. Trump's abuse of the illegally obtained Presidential power has led to the death of many people, the destruction and theft of money and other treasure, and the destruction of the Federal Government. All, probably, in payment for Russian/Putin's help in illegally obtaining the American Presidency. Bottom line is people died and property was destroyed by the illegal actions stemming from the Trump/Putin conspiracy and they both should be tried for the murders and thefts they have carried out against their respective peoples, and others. These are "Peace Crimes": theft of election, by an unregistered agent of a foreign power and the foreign power itself. In another day they would be hung by the neck until dead. Perhaps it should also apply today.

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