Thursday, February 20, 2025

What do we 'Get out of it' ?

 We are participating in "The Fall of American Democracy". But mostly by watching. Some of the justifications are a flat out riot: We have been giving away money to help the sick and downtrodden of the whole world. And Trump and his followers find this to be outrageous rather than honorable assist to the poor. But "We don't get anything out of that!" False. Every religion on earth advocates helping the needy. And if you happen to not be "involved in mankind" you can steal the money going to the poor, that goes to them under legal mandate and humane impetus, and put that money that you have stolen on your stack of money and say: "See it's much better on my stack then it is on theirs." Anti Robin Hood should jar with your conscience, your morals, your up-bringing, but it doesn't. Why? You are simply not big enough to understand that greed, fear, envy, are animal instincts that Honor and pride, and dignity as well as the law support, honor, and assist mankind from hiding in the hell of small, "what's in it for me" selfish stinking pathetic Republican philosophy. Your parents and mine, have spent roughly $600,000 to raise us. What did they get out of it? A pathetic, frightened, small, person who will soon die and be rapidly forgotten. We help ourselves by guaranteeing free speech, religion, press, assembly,due process of law, trial by jury, no torture - until fear overcame us. What we get from the Constitution is being involved in mankind and helping the poor by choosing to.

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