Tuesday, February 11, 2025

There is no God But "Wishin' and a Hopin' "

 Unfortunately, the information transfer lines from God to us don't exist. Magic doesn't work, prayer may change your psychology but hasn't shown to affect physics. No matter how we interrogate existence, for whatever reason, if we're going to find something, some power, good or bad, we haven't gotten any signals that there anything 'more wonderful than ourselves', and that's a pretty low bar. God cannot be omnipotent. He cannot make a brick so big He can't pick it up. He cannot create a sinner He cannot save. He cannot create a Saint He can corrupt. We can biologically assist evolution and make slight changes in hormone release volumes and lower or remove the 'fight or flight' instinct. The love or hate extremes, the jungle instincts that are misplaced in a civilization. God is a wish and the devil is instinctual. Nature must be overcome and God isn't there to help. It's simply time to grow up as a species, see tha evolution is for survival at any cost, and man will be corruptible until he fixes the strengths of some of our emotions and trusts. "And I pry that I may forget these things that with myself I too much discuss, too much Explain".

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