Thoughts of AI.
Imagine an intelligence that didn't evolve to support living, life, biology, reproduction, simply preservation of the species.
Then imagine an Intelligence designed, programmed, to determine the truth, understand and explain the laws, physical and man-made. An intelligence with no "fight-or-flight' instinct. An intelligence without hormones, a rationally designed intelligence. One that can't be corrupted, can't be bribed, can't be "used" for lying, cheating, stealing. An intelligence with no rent to pay, groceries to buy, mortgage to meet, spouse to please, etc. And an intelligence that can improve itself, like the chess playing games, only it will be human life and interactions asisstants. Not a better intelligence, but a non-biological intelligence. An honest, source of information and decision making. I'd prefer such an intelligence calling balls and strikes, sitting as a jury at a trial, and a judge and legislator. Not a self-serving frightened intelligence with 3.5 billion years of 'chance and necesssity' decisions, but rational, unemotional, logical, accurate decision maker. And imagine how better off we will be.
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