Thursday, February 20, 2025

What do we 'Get out of it' ?

 We are participating in "The Fall of American Democracy". But mostly by watching. Some of the justifications are a flat out riot: We have been giving away money to help the sick and downtrodden of the whole world. And Trump and his followers find this to be outrageous rather than honorable assist to the poor. But "We don't get anything out of that!" False. Every religion on earth advocates helping the needy. And if you happen to not be "involved in mankind" you can steal the money going to the poor, that goes to them under legal mandate and humane impetus, and put that money that you have stolen on your stack of money and say: "See it's much better on my stack then it is on theirs." Anti Robin Hood should jar with your conscience, your morals, your up-bringing, but it doesn't. Why? You are simply not big enough to understand that greed, fear, envy, are animal instincts that Honor and pride, and dignity as well as the law support, honor, and assist mankind from hiding in the hell of small, "what's in it for me" selfish stinking pathetic Republican philosophy. Your parents and mine, have spent roughly $600,000 to raise us. What did they get out of it? A pathetic, frightened, small, person who will soon die and be rapidly forgotten. We help ourselves by guaranteeing free speech, religion, press, assembly,due process of law, trial by jury, no torture - until fear overcame us. What we get from the Constitution is being involved in mankind and helping the poor by choosing to.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Trump caves to Putin and destroys Nato and the World's trust in our lost dedication to a just, free, and proud nation

Has anyone heard of Neville Chamberlain? I know Trump can't read, think, or understand anything. But he's about to cause World War III and prove he is the weakest, lost person to ever hold power. He has raped NATO, screwed America, and shamed us all. Trump has no shame, and He certainly has NO HONOR, no dignity. I am ashamed to be an American under this utterly incompetent, mentally ill, incompetent, foolish, dishonest, incompetent fool. 

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

There is no God But "Wishin' and a Hopin' "

 Unfortunately, the information transfer lines from God to us don't exist. Magic doesn't work, prayer may change your psychology but hasn't shown to affect physics. No matter how we interrogate existence, for whatever reason, if we're going to find something, some power, good or bad, we haven't gotten any signals that there anything 'more wonderful than ourselves', and that's a pretty low bar. God cannot be omnipotent. He cannot make a brick so big He can't pick it up. He cannot create a sinner He cannot save. He cannot create a Saint He can corrupt. We can biologically assist evolution and make slight changes in hormone release volumes and lower or remove the 'fight or flight' instinct. The love or hate extremes, the jungle instincts that are misplaced in a civilization. God is a wish and the devil is instinctual. Nature must be overcome and God isn't there to help. It's simply time to grow up as a species, see tha evolution is for survival at any cost, and man will be corruptible until he fixes the strengths of some of our emotions and trusts. "And I pry that I may forget these things that with myself I too much discuss, too much Explain".

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Incorruptable Intelligence, AI

 Thoughts of AI.

Imagine an intelligence that didn't evolve to support living, life, biology, reproduction, simply preservation of the species.

Then imagine an Intelligence designed, programmed, to determine the truth, understand and explain the laws, physical and man-made. An intelligence with no "fight-or-flight' instinct. An intelligence without hormones, a rationally designed intelligence. One that can't be corrupted, can't be bribed, can't be "used" for lying, cheating, stealing. An intelligence with no rent to pay, groceries to buy, mortgage to meet, spouse to please, etc.  And an intelligence that can improve itself, like the chess playing games, only it will be human life and interactions asisstants. Not a better intelligence, but a non-biological intelligence. An honest, source of information and decision making.  I'd prefer such an intelligence calling balls and strikes, sitting as a jury at a trial, and a judge and legislator. Not a self-serving frightened intelligence with 3.5 billion years of 'chance and necesssity' decisions, but rational, unemotional, logical, accurate decision maker.  And imagine how better off we will be.

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

War! The cure for absurdity, "Kill them all".

 War has mostly been won by technical advantage. Strong weapons, sometimes longer weapons, mostly projectiles and aiming improvements. To be able to kill from a distance has given a lot of 'courage' to mankind. Logistics, getting soldiers to the fight, well fed, believing in the cause, hoping for victory, believing it is possible. IT IS HARD TO BELIEVE THAT MAN HAS SPENT SO MUCH TIME, EFFORT, MONEY, AND LIVES TRYING TO PURSUADE or kill the enemy to think and feel the way we wish them to. Maybe only ants kill their own species beer than we do.t

Sunday, February 2, 2025

A little about me...

 If only dreams came true without working for them. If only there was magic. If only goodness and mercy followed me and you, if only the poor were not also downtrodden, if only there was information coming from Heaven and God, and just from my wanting something more wonderful than myself, more creative, more sympathetic, less afraid, less fearful. "Teach us to pray, teach us to care, and not to care." I love, and did love, the very idea of an all-merciful God. And then I grew up and saw science, math, philosophy, and creativity. I have ended up being able to love being able to love.